Dear Hillary,
I am very happy that you are not going to be President of the United States of America. It's not because you're a woman, or because you've whored yourself out to every special interest lobbyist in Washington. I wasn't even really bothered by dirty campaign tactics, or the pandering to a base too apathetic to realize that life is never going to return to what it was when they were young. It's because you are a facade, a machine, a shell of a person. If you were really a strong woman, you would've divorced your husband while he was still governor of Arkansas. If you were a good American, a patriot, per se, you would question where and how the hundreds of billions of dollars of the American people's money goes to in regards to Iraq.
Well, I hope the private speaking circuit treats you well. Maybe you will finally be able to afford some better looking/fitting clothes. May I suggest some corrective surgery as well?
You shouldn't be Vice President either, although I believe you could give Dick Cheney a run for his money in the "damn, what an evil motherfucker" department.
In closing, I hope you cry yourself to sleep tonight.
Ben Kenny
American Citizen
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