Thursday, June 5, 2008

We are sleeping, oh, we are sleeping.

The Pittsburgh Penguins didn't win the Stanley Cup. I am very bummed, n'at. Or something.

Good thing we have other stuff besides athletic teams and low property values. I mean, we are the sootiest city in America. Take that, you Motor City fuck! Take that, Southern California! We won through stagnation and inactivity, something we seem to be very good at, when we're not coaching hockey from our barstools/desk chairs, later to waddle drunk, with bellies full of finger food to the car, that is.

I've been super heavy into Tool's Lateralus album this week. I like to sit and listen to the drumming. It's fantastic. I recommend you take some time to listen to Tool, if you haven't already. Listen though. Just listen. Really. Listen. To. The. Music. To the composition. To the flow. To perfection!

They have always been artists as well as musicians. Not artists in a pretentious rockstar way either. They create, design, and direct their own videos, and never bother to show themselves, because they understand that they function as a whole. This is why their lead singer sings from beside the drummer during their shows, instead of being centerstage. It's about the unit, the composition. Their genius is so vast some can't even recognize and/or acknowledge it. No one sounds like them. No one ever has. No one ever will.

This is "Parabola" It is ten minutes of sonic perfection. Listen! Focus!!! LISTEN.

Twirling round with this familiar parable.
Spinning, weaving round each new experience.
Recognize this as a holy gift and celebrate this chance to be alive and breathing.

This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality.
Embrace this moment. Remember. We are eternal.
All this pain is an illusion.

I've taken to eating with my shirt off, as a way to dissuade myself from eating too much, and also, to better regulate the amount of pop I consume through the shame of negative body image Pavlovian conditioning. The other customers at the McKnight Road Taco Bell are usually too polite to say anything. The end goal is the replacement of self-loathing with complete narcissism. It's gonna take a me a good long while, but I'm committed.

It was hot today. Not really. It was humid, but because I went to public school, I often think they are the same thing.

I'm a Company man, I don't give a fuck! Let's do it!-BK

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