Saturday, June 7, 2008

I don't care.

Very hot. Very, very hot. It is not cool to wake up covered in sweat. Not cool. I might take to sleeping in the basement.

Working on Saturday night is something I don't often do. I remember why now. Because it's Saturday night, and I could be doing something else. Gee, I am not smart.

I've abandoned my Peter Murphy concert attendance plans in order to save finances in anticipation of Nine Inch Nails shows this summer. I'm hoping to hit Cleveland, Philadelphia, and maybe Colorado. Sleeping in the car. Rock and roll. I really want to see this tour because I have an inkling there won't be many more.

This is Josh Freese. He plays drums in the live incarnation of Nine Inch Nails. He plays the drums better and more naturally than most people breath and walk. He hits very hard. He brings the thunder. He has played on more than 200 records, and is considered a member of three separate bands. He's one of the main reasons I will be seeing NIN this summer. Incredible musicianship. There is even a rumor that he is capable of playing "The Perfect Drug" which is very gnarly. We shall see.

Christopher Meloni is pretty damn awesome. Besides kicking pedophile ass on NBC, he also raped dudes on a little show called Oz, which was really cool. Here he is being funny:

Wet Hot American Summer. Nobody saw this movie, which is a shame, as it's hilarious in ways Adam Sandler movies can only hope to be.

Harold and Kumar go to White Castle. Neil Patrick Harris was the big scene stealer, but Meloni was fantastic.
"hey randy!
the devil!
the devil is everywhere!"

I was discussing this video and song online with an Indian girl(she actually lives in India) with whom I occasionally play chess. This is an extremely well made video, from an extremely excellent album, from an EXTREMELY underrated band, Hole. I saw them play with Marilyn Manson and I was rather surprised at their ass kicking abilities. Courtney Love certainly catches a lot of shit, some deserved, and some not so deserved, but one thing is certain. She is a more than capable front lady and songwriter. Also, Melissa Auf der Maur was in this band. Mmmm... tasty!


I smell like burly.

Let's go get some pizza, brother from another family.-BK

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