Thursday, October 9, 2008


When I look at a person, all I ever seem to notice are their flaws. I need to alter my thinking, I think that I have this weird outlook on life, mostly due to practically being raised by television. I've never been the type to have a large circle of friends, even as a child. I prefer to be alone, with my thoughts, but when I was younger, I often accompanied myself with television. Television is a friend who never judges, never talks back, never goes against you, but the influence of television on the human mind, particularly the American mind, is clandestine and far reaching. I'm happy I know longer watch as much television as I used to, but the battle to regain a smidgen of un-influenced thought is ongoing, and is mostly give and take.

Off tomorrow. I'm going to sleep, clean up, and pick up my mom at the airport. Nothing like driving to the airport when you aren't going to get paid. Fabulous.

I am so tired that I often fall I asleep when I sit down. Not conducive to normal, healthy, happy work habits.

I've been eating slightly better than a homeless person all week. Mostly just because I often wash my hands before I eat, which I assume is hard for homeless people to do, what with the government and Charlie and Xenu after them and all.

This band is beyond the scope commonly used to judge music. Well, well beyond and with very few peers. Radiohead.

Someone is sitting three chairs away from me(I'm in the concourse at PIT). I have no idea when he sat down, or how long he's been there. He's in an ill-fitting business suit. Must be a limo driver. Or a billionaire.

I like T.I. a lot. I like rap quite a bit, which is a view of mine that has changed in the past few years. Yes, of course rap music glorifies violence, degrades broads(women), promotes drug use, and arguably keeps a generation of people down, but it's also got some positives. Rap, and rappers, are self-made. They hustle. No one hands them shit. As a performer, dare I say "artist,
this is something I identify with. This is something I respect. Plus, the track underneath this rap is unreal. So good.

I like to get my knob polished more than I like to gleam the cube.

Christian Slater, inexplicably, still has a career. He has some shitty spy show on NBC coming up. I would sign with his agent. I would give him an extra 5%, because if he can still get Christian Slater work, he must be worth it!

Always use caution, especially on wet surfaces.-BK

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