Saturday, October 4, 2008

Cracked LCD

Last night I took in Music and Lyrics, starring Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore. If you've never seen this movie, give thanks to whatever deity or philosophy you follow. If you have seen this movie, perhaps you'd be interested in attending the support group I'm thinking of starting? The movie was shit, even by the normally abysmal standards set by Hugh Grant/Drew Barrymore films. Put it this way, I would rather watch Fever Pitch ten times than watch Music and Lyrics again. Jimmy Fallon is that movie. You know how much I hate Jimmy Fallon. That's saying something about how bad it was.

Money is hard to come by these days.

Show tonight. Show Tuesday. Show Thursday. Get in on the ground floor of my soon to be legendary comedy "career," motherfuckers! I will never quit. Fame(cocaine and tell-all books) would be nice, but for me, failure is stopping, not being "unfamous" or bombing.

The Kid lives on in our hearts and minds. Don't let him die. Please. Don't let him die!

I was very cold this morning. I even wrapped myself in my comforter to make the arduous trek to the bathroom, and of course, I peed on it a little. No big deal really, as it's not the worst fluid that's ever been on my comforter. I'm not referring to poop or semen either! Get your minds out of the gutter! It was mustard. Technically, mustard is a sauce, but it's wet, which makes it a fluid in my book.

Dancing tomorrow. Excited.

I'm having Easy Mac for lunch. Again. I don't even have hot sauce to put in it. Not stoked.

I like my car better with the back seats down. Just because. Never know when you're gonna need that space, so be prepared.

"In range" is a subjective term.-BK

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