Sunday, October 26, 2008

Dedication. Devotion.

I'm once again in "total work exhaustion" overload. I worked about 12 hours yesterday, will be working 16 today. I hope to work, on overtime, at least 8 tomorrow, and will try to work double shifts on Thursday and Friday as well. I am doing this because my insurance rates have gone through the roof. I'm not telling you how much I'm currently paying for the "privilege" of street legality, but rest assured, I will be continuing to subsist on basic starches and scuffed fruit for a long, long time. Also, I'm going to Columbus to see NIN. I plan to sleep in my car, but the financial outlay is still going to be significant. The shittiest part of this weekend is that I'm totally missing all of the Zombie goodness!

You didn't think I'd mention NIN without a video did you? Fool!

I can only imagine the rush they must feel before walking out onstage every night. I can only hope I will one day be "playing" theatre shows in front of 2,000 people, but to play an arena, wow. I doubt they get nervous. Once you've been performing somewhat steadily for a while, and have confidence in your ability and your material, nervousness is replaced with excited energy. I love the feeling. No drug I've ever used can compare to it. When people make noise after you've been intro'd but before you perform, when they yell out for you, that's the best feeling in the world for a performer. It's been happening for me a bit lately, and it's fucking beautiful.

My toe still hurts. I think the nail is torn between staying on and falling off. As more skin around it dies, I'll start hacking away bit by bit at it. I still clumsily hit/kick/tap something the wrong way about five times a day, causing a sharp inhalation and visible flinch as well as a nice wave of pain. I try to "air it out" but the fibers of my socks get in the wound. If you've ever had this happen, you know it is not pleasant.

I am quite looking forward to going to see Mushroomhead next Sunday evening. Loudness and black clothing shall abound. I suppose you could consider them "indie metal," as there is absolutely zero compromise in their music. They are 100% energy and passion. I've seen five of their shows, and am really looking forward to this next one. Like a few other bands in this genre, they wear uniforms, make up, and masks to lessen the individual presence and reinforce the idea of a cohesive unit. You probably think this is a bit silly, but if you were to see them play live, you'd understand fully.

Next Saturday I have a show at Stinky's in Lawrenceville. It's a late show. We'll be getting started around ten. I have no further information, but I'm looking forward to it. Brad Ryan said he was going to buy me a beer!

It's not as cold as I had thought it was going to be. I had to take off a layer.

I think I write about and post videos of music here as often as I do not only because I love it so, but also because I never had the true ability to play it, or understood how to write it. I just think a group of musicians coming together to compose something is really one of those super extraordinary things we all take for granted until we try. Then again, if Avril Lavigne can get writing credits, maybe it isn't too hard after all...

They've used songwriters for most of their career. Think of that what you will. It's cool with me. Gotta pay that scarf, coke, and child support bill somehow!

We both should have payed more attention during deicing class. It's cool, it's not like it's gonna get any colder as they head towards Orlando.-BK

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