Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Bologna sandwiches in the sky!

If you're not doing anything tonight, and you live in Pittsburgh, come on out to The Smiling Moose. It promises to be one helluva good time! Plus, my friend and fellow dance fiend and High Life drinker, Brandon, is making his comedy debut!

The final round of the Slapsticks! competition takes place at 8pm, Friday, November 28th. This is the day after Thanksgiving. You're going to be in need of a good laugh after yet another barely tolerable holiday with your family, or even worse, your spouse/mate's family. It's only eight bucks, and it would warm the cockles of my cold black heart to see you out in the audience.

Finally got around to seeing W. yesterday. While not bad by any measure, it just didn't live up to expectations. I wanted more out of this movie. I wanted it to go farther, dig deeper, and bite harder. To be fair, the movie is a biography, and it does a fine job of examining the life of George W. Bush and how he came to be defined, both as a man, and as the President. The cast is superb. A lot of big, respected names took a lot of supporting roles in this movie, and they all did really understated, subtle work that strengthened the film. James Cromwell is really great as Bush Sr. You cannot deny Josh Brolin's W. He made a man most people only know through sound bites and TV speeches come alive, and he made him human. Great work. I just wish the film had the courage to SAY something. Oliver Stone should have been let off of whatever leash they kept him on. Regardless, this film would have been more complete and had more to offer had it been made five or ten years down the road.t

I'll probably be seeing Saw V too. Gotta see how they top themselves this time. I must admit though, I really, really liked the original film. Might be my favorite "torture porn" film. This is my favorite "challenge" out of any of the films. This makes me physically cringe. I'm not even afraid of needles, I just think this is brutally violent and utterly genius in a simplistic way...

Cool like smoking cigarettes behind the gas station after school while you call your friend's older brother to see if he can score you some weed for later. Shiny Toy Guns. Le Disko.

My neighbors were outside arguing, about drugs, parenting, and stereo equipment for most of the night. I know this because their arguing kept me from getting anywhere near the eight hours of peaceful sleep I was so ready to get. Fucking baseball was on, which preempted Sarah Connor, so I decided to go to sleep at eight, but they just couldn't let me.

I still haven't gotten a haircut. I need to do that soon.

Although I can't afford it, I feel morally and spiritually obligated to travel to some city, likely Las Vegas, to see the Smashing Pumpkins' 20th Anniversary tour.

"You don't play Guitar Hero when you are a guitar hero." - B. Corgan

I need to buy tortillas and maybe some green peppers today.

I need to clean out my car.

I need to write my set for tonight, polish some shit out/up.

I need to slow down.

I need to work faster.

I need to stop this, and start that.

I need it all, but want for nothing.

Bazooka Joe is the best.-BK

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