Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Cat fur.

Went out to Howler's last night. Not much seemed to be going on, so I cruised across town to the Smiling Moose, where I had a very satisfying set. Good times. I just wish I could've stayed to watch the other comics, and one of the bands that was playing after our show. The Cheats are really good. Go see them.

I hate having to go to bed relatively soon after a show. Especially a good show, like last night's was. The adrenaline rush and energy coursing through the veins in is not good for falling asleep.

With the exception of Down Periscope, this is probably the best movie ever made about submarines. You shouldn't watch the dubbed version. Watch the subtitled version. You can hear the excitement and terror in their voices much better when it's in German. The camera work is astounding, especially if you've ever actually been on a submarine. I slept overnight on a sub once. They used to store potatoes in the secondary hatches. This movie is too obscure for how good it is. Das Boot is the name of the film.

Winter's rancid breath is upon us. It is definitely "hoodie season" at work, i.e. I will wear a hoodie as part of my layering system until about April first. Right now, it's just a hoodie. Soon, it may be a thermal layer and the hoodie for a month or two. Come December, it's the base layer, the hoodie, and my insulated vest. I also know it's getting cold because my ear plugs, which are normally very pliable foam rubber are getting stiff. It's like putting a cold french fry into your ear. Drab.

I am torn on something. I normally either eat an entire pizza, or less frequently leave myself three pieces for the next day. Yesterday I left only one piece. I feel like a deadbeat dad. I can picture it now, sitting all alone on a big ceramic plate in my fridge, covered in blue Saran Wrap, wondering if and when I'm coming back. Fret not, my cheesy friend, because come 3 o'clock, you will be on your way to meet your family in doughy eternity. Speaking of the pizza I ate yesterday, it seems to have formed a semi-solid mass of some sort, which is currently working it's way toward my rectum. Picture a boa constrictor that just consumed a rat superimposed over my belly and you get the basic gist. It's not terribly pleasant. Not one bit.

I laughed and laughed. Then I watched more clips.

As the campaign winds down, Sarah Palin seems become more and more of a joke, and an embarrassment to the GOP. She should move to Chicago. She could give Daley a serious run for his(the mob and Unions') money. If you paid consultants hundreds of thousands of dollars for advice, and hired someone like Palin on their advice, you'd be terminating your relationship with said consultancy. Folks, this woman is in line for the Presidency, and if that doesn't scare you to fucking death, then perhaps you'd like to join me in a tag team cage match. We'll be fighting Wilford Brimley and Chuck Norris.

Man what a great song. I actually meant to post this a few days ago, but mistakenly posted another jam of theirs. Great band.

Overtime seems to be drying up again. I am not pleased. I am quite seriously considering picking up a second job at my local Wendy's, as I've done it before. It's not that hard, and my pride and sense of self worth is long dead anyways.

New bid comes out later today. We will see what hours I'm working, and if I will be "home" in Chicago for Thanksgiving this year.

Artie Lange was apparently in town last week. Tickets ranged from 43 to 70 dollars. You know his back on the smack if he's got the balls to charge that much. That's like, "Carlin money" right there!

This is excerpted from the It made me laugh out loud. Everyone in the coffee shop looked at me. Awkward.

CP: Have you picked up any new vices to fill in the gaps, or just hitting the remaining ones harder?

AL: I love these people that say 'you know what, Art, do you know what I replaced drugs with, running, hiking, I'm addicted to fitness.' I just want to punch them in the face. I don't understand that. It's like I was in a rehab once with these crackheads and they'd say to the guy, 'look, we want some crack, we're crackheads.' And the guy would say to them, 'well, at two o'clock we're playing scrabble;' and the crackheads would say, no you don't understand, we're not scrabble heads, we're crackheads.' The guy tells you scrabble is fun and you can't make the guy understand that getting a triple word score on the word zipper, while an amazing experience for a guy into scrabble, doesn't compare to crack.”

Rickles rules.

Abortion may be wrong, but it should be kept out of the Constitution. That space is reserved for the gays.-BK

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