The Dark Lord has shined upon me once again, providing me with an unexpected double shift today. Surprisingly, my phone was in the same room, and actually turned on, when the call came in. I was trying to figure out what the funny noise was, but then I remembered what my ringtone sounds like.
I'm sad. I was unable to make it to November 1st without turning my heat on. Two nights ago, I gave in. My house is now a balmy sixty-five degrees, and I'm turning into the Steve Irwin of "draft hunting." So far, I've gotten two windowsills and a door. I sure hope that I don't get stabbed in the heart by something while casually bothering it.
I'm pulling some strings and desperately attempting to secure some sort of half-day type action for tomorrow. We'll see. I want to make it out to Eighties night. I need to buy my friend a drink, as he did comedy for the very first time the other night. I would've bought for him at the show, but I had other priorities at that moment.
I think I'm going to forgo a second job for the winter. I have time to save, I've been budgeting much better as of late, and I frankly don't need the additional stress in my life right now. Besides I need to keep focused on the only thing that validates my existence, comedy.
I know I've been talking a bit about coffee lately, but damn. This coffee is so good. It's really the Barack Obama of beverages when you think about it. It gives me hope for my day. I think his Presidency is pretty much guaranteed at this point, but what will America do when Barack gets cold and just doesn't seem to perk you up like he used to? I'm waiting for the backlash. I give it six months to a year. I think these young idealistic folks, quite a few of whom have never had to sacrifice much for anything, don't realize what is being asked of them, and are they willing to start doing the real work? Americans and American businesses never used to get bailed out by their government. We've never paid such high taxes with so little to show back. We need to push government out, and bring local communities back. Yes, Wal-Mart may be the only place to get that new AC/DC album, but every time you shop there, every single time, no matter what you're buying, you're killing America. Voting isn't enough. Patriots make sacrifices, whether they're fighting an unjust, unnecessary war abroad, or just volunteering at their local park district! America was great because people worked hard to make it great. Let's all work harder out there!

John Daly is probably my favorite mainstream professional athlete. It's been rumored that he can hit an 800 yard golf drive. That's not why I like him. I like him because he still dedicates so much of his time to drinking and gluttony. He's the best. He handed my dad a beer from his own personal cooler once. That's how cool my dad is. Anyways, here's a little example of John Daly's consummate professionalism.
Looks like I'll finally have a chance to get my "obligatory Improv picture" taken. I will be performing November 5th. Come out, and mention my name at the door for a discounted admission! That's just the kind of power I wield in this town, folks.
I like to sing it in the shower.
No time to rest. Gotta keep on living it up.
Black Labs only care about food. They don't love you, they love food.
Of course I want to make a better living.-BK
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