Monday, October 20, 2008

Find yourself a back door and use it.

Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama yesterday, which all but puts nails in the coffin of the legitimacy of the McCain campaign. He fucking slammed Palin too, which was refreshing and desperately needed, especially from someone who carries as much weight and has earned as much respect as he has.

I'm giving McCain one last chance though, because, much like Fox News, I believe in being thorough, fair, balanced, and loud and obnoxious.

The last chance? Halloween costumes of course!

Which candidate will dress up? Will it be homemade, or store bought? Is it going to be in theme with their spouse or children? It probably shouldn't involve a suit, that's for sure. Maybe one should be World Trade 1 and the other should be World Trade 2, and they could have another debate? That would be awesome, and I'm sure the mere suggestion has moved my name up on Hell's VIP list. We have a saying down at the Smiling Moose: "9-11: It's ALWAYS too soon!" Hey, if they can whore out the memories of the dead, I can poke a little fun too.

Big day today. Gonna do some banking, eat some tasty-ass food at The Quiet Storm, buy tasty-ass food for home consumption, do laundry, maybe take in a movie, and do my show at the Shadow Lounge. Mad frantic.

This was jammed to in the car last night.

I've recently been into watching boxing when it's on at work. It's so much more enjoyable to watch than Ultimate Fighting, which has rechristened itself "Mixed Martial Arts," in an effort to not look as stupid as it does.

Anyways, boxing. Boxing is really cool to watch. Not only is it a test of endurance and physical strength, but it's heavily mental and technique based as well. Although the rules are regimented and strict, every fighter has individual likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses, etc.. I love it for the brutality and the intelligence required to be able to fight well, and over a span of many years. Most people can only really punch "straight out," from their chests, but a boxer can, and has to, throw out punches from above, below and around his body. He must "step into" the punches he throws. It's a science. I couldn't even imagine how much it would hurt to take a punch from George Foreman, even today. Most dudes know this, but for the female readers,(both of you) boxing gloves are not worn to protect the face of the "punchee," they're worn to protect the hands of the puncher. That's how hard boxers hit! They break bones in their hands. Think about it. It's just massive athleticism and years of training and sacrifice on display every time a boxer steps into the ring. Good stuff. I don't know shit about baseball, football, soccer, volleyball, hockey, horse racing, fencing, fishing, or knitting, but I'm starting to pick up on the nuances of boxing, and it feels good.

I was humming this to myself in the shower today, and I could not figure out what it was, or where it came from for about ten minutes. Then I figured it out, shrugged a little, and continued with my day. Geri was always my favorite. Posh was a close second, but she doesn't wear much latex anymore.

One of my favorite "current" bands. I don't feel the need to explain why. Just good.

Gotta put on some clothes now.

For a second, just a second.-BK

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