Monday, October 6, 2008

Rather impressive Reverse Cowgirl.

Sometime in the last two weeks, Pittsburgh transitioned from summer to fall in a manner similar to Clark Kent changing into Superman. I'm not sure if it's good, bad, or just the way the seasons change on the Eastern half of America. I have more important things to worry about, like paying the rent, and cheese.

Should find out about the long rumored second job by the end of the month or so.

Ante Up. They may be gay, they may not be. It doesn't matter, because they're still more street than you!

Coming in hard and fast and rolling out early tomorrow night at the Moose. I'll always make time to be hilarious, but I still gotta get my ugly sleep.

Your mind is meant to be used to do things that are original and challenging. Take this, for example:

Did you see what he did at the 2:16 mark? COOL!

I am not looking forward to tonight. Experience in these matters tells me I won't be getting a lot of sleep. Oh, I'll be in bed by 9:30, but I won't fall asleep for hours. If I wasn't so fucking lazy, (and comfortable in my sweatpants) I'd be out doing something physical in an attempt to wear myself out for later on. Meh.

Lunch was super good today. Milkshakes are great, even if I have to pay a gastrointestinal price for consuming so much liquid dairy. I heart peanut butter.

I can't figure out if it's my armpit or my shirt. I have been wearing the shirt for three days, so it's the likely suspect, but never count out my armpit. My armpit throws "Hail Mary" types of surprises into my life.

Yeah, I don't know what that last sentence really means either, but it popped out, and I ain't putting it back in.

I'm not being ironic or snarky when I say that I have always loved Garth Brooks. I do. It's just cut and dry, plain and simple, take it, or leave it.

My desk is covered in pocket change. There are not pockets on my desk. I am confused!

It's the Bible.-BK

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