Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Twenty years gone.

Last night. Comedy show. Cancelled. Not because of a death or fire, but because of a lack of audience. This hurts worse than a bad set, worse than an audience of three people. It sucks looking around a room at other comics, everyone of us talented, everyone of us funny, and knowing that Pittsburgh does not care about us. We need more Schtiller and Natty Light jokes apparently, but none of us seem to be interested in those things, as we much prefer to observe and question the world around us. I'm not going to dwell on it anymore.

Instead of going home and getting shitty, I went out for coffee with three other comics and talked about a myriad of interesting things for a few hours. It was nice to break out of my normally solitary pattern of existence for something social and low pressure. We were all wearing hooded sweatshirts without logos, three of us had glasses, two of us could be considered overweight. It kind of looked like a child molester/weirdo version of The View. We were near a college campus, and quite out of place. I felt like asking girls what color panties they were wearing, and if they wanted to see my windowless van, but I figured the room was too well lit to try anything. Probably had cameras too.

At one point, I kicked the center pole of our table, causing coffee to spill on Mitch's notebook. I felt something I hadn't honestly felt in what must be years: I felt bad. I was genuinely concerned for the well being of his notebook, as a comedian's notebook is often a very important possession. It is a potential future away from the life they currently lead. Mitch said it was cool, but I still felt down about it.

This hypothetical map was sent to me by a friend. I'm not going to say where I live on it, but just know that I have an ocean view. Where do you live?

I seem to have a lot of friends that I can just sort of "pick up where I left off" with. We're not prone to talking about mundane bullshit every other day. When we converse, it's about bigger things and lesser evils. They are conversations worth having.

This makes me smile broadly.

People will never stop trying to make their own version this movie. People are not smart.

Off to the races.

It's a pubic wig, you know.-BK

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