Sunday, October 12, 2008

Live from the airport...

So there was a big chemical leak near the Iron City yesterday. It apparently made the air quality bad for a while, and people had to evacuate their homes. So it was pretty much business as usual in Pittsburgh, and in America. We are continually being welcomed to Hell.

I did not go out last night. I really wanted to, but sometimes you just don't have the motivation to put on pants and socks. Especially if you were wearing shoes, sans socks, already. It's very regressive to take things off, put other things on, and put things on again. At some point, I probably would've need to bathe as well, which is always a deal-breaker for going out, unless it's a Nascar race or something.

I got some overtime today, so that's good. Every hour of overtime is some sort of name brand product I will be able to afford in Minneapolis. Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, here I come! Although Minnesota is relatively close to Canada, so maybe it's Kraft Dinner there. I spent most of last night on Google Maps, looking for places/areas to live in. I think it's going to come together quite nicely, much unlike the fabled Beatles reunion.

Porn Bloopers. (Adult Content, but I assure you, you'll laugh like you're me.)

Since it's Sunday and all, I figured I'd drop a video from a Christian artist. Really. No bullshit. His name is David Bazan, formerly of a band called Pedro the Lion, and he kicks ass. He writes music about his life, his choices, and how they clash with the indoctrination... oops... religion of his youth. He is one of the best songwriters around right now, besides the great Katy Perry of course... I listen to his stuff at least weekly, if not more often. Massive, moving, talent.

And then there was Slayer. Don't talk shit on thrash. Ever.

I had planned to write a bit longer today, but unfortunately, I must preempt the blog in order to poop. I ate four grilled cheese sandwiches yesterday.

I totally could see that happening.-BK

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