Saturday, October 18, 2008

Sounds broken.

Last night ruled like Nero. Not only did my ass get to sleep for almost eight hours, but I also hung out/reconnected with a very old, dear, close personal friend. Good times.

I'm still very tired today though. If I dressed like a 1950's housewife, swept the floor, served coffee, and "kept my figure up," do you think it'd be alright for me to use meth/uppers? I mean, Millvale has a lot of meth available, but I'm afraid of how society will judge me. Also, I dislike open sores, and I twitch enough as it is already.

This is one of those bands that never got super big, which is sad on the surface, because they rule, but it kind of makes me privately happy. They're like a secret sonic handshake for the hip. Not the hipsters, the hip. Big fucking difference there, kids.

It's looking like I'm going to have disposable income come payday. Instead of "enhancing my collection of erotica," I think I'll buy some clothes. I need some new t-shirts. I'm thinking pseudo-vintage horror movie shirts, or perhaps just solid colors. I need new underwear. Boxer briefs. Non-white, and name brand. My junk deserves the best, as it's relatively dormant, and deserves comfortable rest if I can provide it. Some black on black Chuck's or P.F. Flyers would be nice, but they seem to be so exceeding rare these days. A new pair of jeans, in dark navy or pure black. Dress shirts. Ties. Slacks. Maybe a badass leather biker jacket I've had my evil eye(both eyes, actually) on for about a year now. Don't worry, mom and dad, I'm not going to buy all of the above, just some of it.

Which reminds me, I still need to buy a suit, but I'd like to drop some more weight first. I don't want full custom, but I'll certainly be getting it tailored, i.e. shirt cuff showing, a nice break in the pant leg, and possibly odd-colored buttons. That's so rare. Oddly colored buttons are very challenging to pull off, but when I see people do it well, it's breathtaking. That "reads" weird so I'll explain it better. By "odd-colored;" I mean every button has the same color, but doesn't necessarily match the jacket to a T. This gives you ways to play with shirt, tie, and pocket square color is so desired. It's hard for a man like me to buy a suit. My waist is fairly easy to fit, but I've been told my torso length is just short of "tall" and my shoulders (46-48 jacket) are not found in "casual" suits, only in dreary business suits. My rather muscular yet portly friend told me to check out the Men's Wearhouse, I actually wore a shirt and tie to the movies last week, just because I could. I like dressing well, and I like learning how to do it better. One of my favorite blogs on earth is The Sartorialist. Good stuff. If I make it to old(er) age, I hope to have a percentage of the style that some of the older men pictured have. Take this example. Boss.



If you're a man, and you think dressing well and having a personal style is "gay," you will never be able to acquire the kind of woman you see yourself with. Polo shirts and khakis will only get you so far, and let's be honest, you're not that charming.

I plan on getting a haircut at some point this week, as in, paying for a haircut. Haven't paid for a trim in about two years. I'm excited! Maybe I'll dye it black too.

Coffee again today. Coffee everyday. But just a cup... usually. Three at the most.

I like how TSA agents act like they're police officers in front of passengers. They don't pull that shit with us. They're just walking numbers with eternal job security.

I believe abortion is a personal, private choice. "The right to life" doesn't deserve a place in the Constitution. There are 200 million people in America. How many have had an abortion? There are more important things for politicians to talk about. Abortion is a nasty, dirty thing, but it won't lead to a bank or tax lien. Not if you do it right. I'm just saying I know a guy, that's all.

I believe in(and if asked, would support) assisted suicide. I believe in the right to die as peacefully and painlessly if possible, if you so choose. Bravo to the Swiss.

My leg is sleeping because of the serenity found in a Saturday at the airport. Or maybe it's a lack of consistent blood flow.

Several of us at work know every line in this film. We never stop dropping quotes over the radio. Never.

I'm going to rock the fuck out of mics this week.

You're right, it is spicy.-BK

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