Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Moby spins with gusto.

I was not as tired as I thought I would be today. Small victories in the war of life.

Arnold will kill the fuck out of you. What? You mean you've never seen Commando?

"You evil Pole!"

The Sarah Connor show seemed like a giant advertisement for Dodge trucks yesterday, but it was still more interesting than reality television. I like killer machines from the future.


I have actual hair on my head now. I suppose I should get around to buying some shampoo again. Gotta keep my hair youthful and vibrant. Hey Italian women, are you supposed to shampoo back hair as well?

I ate about a metric shit ton of pasta for breakfast and lunch today. It was very good, but I'm pretty sure my stomach is now distended. Two pieces of garlic bread? I'm going to need more!

Double shift tomorrow. I will be all sunshine and rainbows come paycheck time. Well, maybe I just won't be cloudy. It's a start.

Anybody wanna take bets on "Ernest Borgnine and Leslie Nielsen: Who dies/gets Alzheimer's first?" You bitches know I'm down. Borgnine is slightly older, but Nielsen is Canadian, which makes it pretty much even odds.

It's too goddamn early for Faith Hill.-BK

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