Sunday, October 5, 2008


Some days, a brother just has to lay around in his underwear, drink Mountain Dew, and listen to Queens of the Stone Age. Man do I wish I had some whiskey.

Watched a bit SNL last night. I have been watching bits and pieces of it this season. I'm not sure, but I think maybe, just maybe, SNL is on a path towards being funny again. Mostly because it tends to become relevant again in election years. Especially this election year, as comedic ammunition is literally strewn throughout both campaigns. As long as Kristen Wiig and Andy Samberg(both are one dimensional and vastly overrated) are kept on the back burners, I think this season is going to work.

This was funny because the impression of Palin isn't a stretch at all.

(Here's a super secret SNL viewing tip: The sketches Lorne Michaels and the current Head Writer think are strongest always lead the show. So essentially, every episode of SNL gets worse as it goes on into the early morning hours. So you can go to bed after Weekend Update. I do.)

I spent most of my TV viewing time watching the original Night of the Living Dead yesterday. My God, what an awesome, timeless film. The points George A. Romero was making in the Sixties are still valid and poignant today! It's a must-see film for fans of political and social commentary, horror, and the craft of film in general. Watch it!

Comedy show was cancelled due to a lack of audience yesterday. Do I need another reason to move away? Do I have a reason to stay?

I mistakenly buttered a PB&J today. I fried that bastard up anyways. It wasn't as good as I hoped it would be.

Some bands can occasionally make an album that is as close to perfect as it is possible for people who aren't Ben Kenny to get. Mer de Noms, by A Perfect Circle, is one of those albums. Pick it up.

It's time for something or other. I forget what it was. Oh yes, laundry.

You can find that on Craigslist, but it's in secret code.-BK

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