Sunday, October 19, 2008

Didn't know what to do.

I am so thankful for laptop computers. Well, my laptop computer, at least. In a stroke of more genius than usual, I set mine next to my bed last night before retiring for the evening. I still haven't turned on my heat, and according to my helpful little widget fellow, the outside temperature is thirty-one degrees. I sleep with very little clothing on, so you could probably imagine me cocooned here in my comforter, reading Kylie Minogue's Wikipedia page without shivering, or even needing to sit up. I sort of look like some sort of maggot or larva, but with arms and a half dome of noggin popped out of one end. I don't need to move for another hour or so. Oh, what about peeing, you say? Well, I did that about half way through my twelve blissful hours of sleep, so, Ha Ha! The floor was really cold though. Especially because I'm currently washing my "floor towel" and mats. Chilly.

Here is a picture of Ms. Minogue:

Mmmmm... nice.

Looks like I might be off on Tuesday. If I am, I'm going out on Monday night after my show. Probably just to a movie, as movies are now five bucks on weeknights at "my" theatre. Probably W. You know how to get in contact if you're down. Though I may perhaps just order a pizza, purchase a case of my preferred beer, in bottle form of course, and attempt to make friends with oblivion.

I say this because I haven't gotten "Nolte drunk" in a long time, and it's not like I have standards or people's expectations to meet or anything. Fuck it all. Except for the exceptions. Meh.

I'm sort of pissed we're only being given five minutes in the upcoming competition. I'm much more comfortable, and frankly, better, after about a three minute "break in." I really do hate comedy competitions. You do it for exposure, which, considering Pittsburgh, might actually be the greatest joke of the evening. I also DO NOT believe in judging one comic against another. It isn't even close to fair, and to be frank again, it's not needed. We all have individual voices, and our audiences have individual tastes, making all judging/voting inherently flawed. Regardless of my reservations, I'm still going to bring "it," and "it" shall be brought in enough quantity as to warrant the offering of seconds. Be there!

I lost most of the rest of this in "post," so just deal for today.

How do you do it?-BK

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