Old Style is the greatest. My grandfather drank it all the time. He was in World War 2. For the Polish. As a good friend of the family always says, "How can it be so good for so cheap?" I usually drink mine in an undershirt, boxer shorts, and loafers.
I'm debating staying in tonight. I'd really like to try and get eight glorious, uninterrupted hours of sleep. But then again, I like to make people laugh. Decisions are tough. I totally know how that guy who had to cut his arm off because a rock fell on it must have felt.
I saw Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. It was just uninspired. Not necessarily bad, and certainly not great, but definitely uninspired. It was not very exciting, and not very original.
Are you old school? Green Jelly/Jello is! Ben Kenny is as well. For all my class and culture, I still find this awesome and eternally entertaining.
I heard Bjork on the in-store radio at Taco Bell the other day. It wasn't even a popular Bjork song. Someone at Taco Bell goes against the grain, that's for sure.
Snow Patrol has a new album out. If I had more money, I would exchange the money for the album. I like this song. It sounds a little "1985," but still has that cool melody that Snow Patrol tends to always find without sacrificing their writing.
Doing anything October 24th? Yes? Well, cancel your plans. Ben Kenny is performing in the contest at Slapsticks!, so you all should come out and have a laugh. It's a mere ten dollars, there's no drink minimum, and you need to laugh. Especially if you've checked your 401(k) lately, which I did, yesterday. It's a good think I'm young, or I'd be totally fucked!
A bird just flew into the window. Ha!
Who is Wood? Where is Wood? What is Wood?
Who is WOOD?
I'm happy I can wear shorts for a few more weeks. My legs are so sexy,
I stubbed my toe. It hurts, and I'm limping. Two people have asked me if I hurt me knee. I just sort of "psuedo-nod," because I don't have the heart to tell them I'm a big pussy.
There was a fire in Millvale yesterday. The house was a total loss. In Millvale, that's roughly 1200 dollars worth of stuff, and almost twice that in drugs and/or alcohol. What a tragedy.
A living legend. You can't even come close. Don't try. It just looks pathetic. I've seen it enough times to know. I might have even done it once or twice myself.
So much for watching Sarah Connor.-BK
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