Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Metaphysical Education.

First, Margaret Beaston(sp?), if you're reading this, your party is waiting for you at the Curbside Check-In.

So I went to the Moose last night, but left before the show began, as I've been fighting off a slight flu, and I really needed the extra sleep. Apologies to a fan of mine who wanted to surprise me.

Seriously, can you believe it took them this long? The "woman" doesn't seem fit to live, let alone take care of a child.

Remember to vote kids. In all honesty, your vote probably won't matter either way, because you can't vote for five hundred congressmen, and a hundred senators. But your vote could count a little. Things won't be getting better anytime soon, but I suppose we'd be fools if we gave up on hope. If you truly want to affect social and political change in this country, in the world, I fear that, soon, the only way to do so may be through organized physical revolution, Fight Club-style. American Democracy is at the height of it's power. Like Rome and the Bee Gees before it, perfect system is doomed to eventually become flawed, and implode. I think, in our lifetime, we will see worldwide change on a scope we have not seen in centuries. Will it be good, or bad? As long as Christian Bale keeps making movies, beer stays cold, and bicycles aren't outlawed or destroyed, I think I'll manage. Will you?

YouTube is a rocky coast of shitty talent(ever seen my vids?) and overinflated egos, but every once a great while, the virtual ship I captain finds a lighthouse, and heads toward it. I, along with a lot of other people, occasionally watch this girl's videos. She's pretty talented in a "girl next door" kind of way, which is not meant to be backhanded or rude. You can kind of tell she's not coached or prodded. It's her raw talent, and it's impressive.

As I was walking up the stairs to write this blog, I stumbled, and then tripped. Don't worry, the computer is ok. My toe now hurts more than it did yesterday, my right palm has a baby-sized scrape on it, and I sprained my left ring finger. My job is dangerous even when jet engines aren't running.

We all have cool friends who become super-annoying when they "talk music." For many of you, I am that friend, but at least I'm virtually always right about good tunes... Anyways, if your friend starts trumpeting some shitty new act in tight pants and shaggy hair, but lacking melody and form as "awesome," show them this. It's arguably the finest song of their "early" era, and one of the seminal songs of the Nineties. Rocket.

That was great. I watched it three times myself. Like a sonic syringe of radness that goes straight to the pleasure centers of the brain.

This movie is still better than virtually anything out today. It's not about making a statement or an allegory, it's all about storytelling. This is fantastic!

Time for me to fly. Somewhere for a day. Just to do it.

I'm not concerned with the outcome. Fuck em' both.-BK

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