Thursday, October 16, 2008

Spandau Lyric Opera

Sorry for all of the political rhetoric as of late, but this blog often mirrors what I'm thinking about in real life, so bear with me until a few days after November 4th.

It kind of sucks when politicians apologize for things they're right about.

This is an official from the parent group my union is associated with. This is ballsy like Maverick in Top Gun.

Hollywood: Gutsiest move I ever saw, Mav.

As a "working man," I sometimes get turned off when I see and hear politicians use the term. I feel like my peers, whether they work in factories, drive trucks, work construction, etc.. are being used for political capital. And I think a lot of us don't realize it. Politicians have been doing it for years.

We're all Americans, some of us like belonging to a Union, and knowing we have a voice stronger than our own. Some of us would rather strike out on our own, so to speak, which is fine too. But if you like having paid holidays, a forty hour work week, overtime pay, a safe work environment, and a fair wage, chances are that a Union of some sort set the benchmark for your standard of living. Those Unions continue to fight for things you'd be fired for, if you fought on your own.

I spent a lot of my weekends in and around this town growing up. My grandparents are summer residents, and my family, parents included, own weekend properties near it. Sadly, for the most part, it is about to die. GM is closing it's plant, you see. Not only are 2400 people losing their jobs, but the ripple effect will hit other "feeder" factories, local stores, restaurants, and banks. Janesville was as close to perfect as a town in America could get. I would live there if I could. Now it's going to have to fight the cancer that GM left it. I don't even want to wish it good luck. Janesville is just plain fucked.

As an apathetic bastard, I always sort of shrug and go on with my life when I hear these kinds of stories, but this one hit me hard. This one kills a little more of the ideal of The American Dream, or what's left of it, that lives inside of me.

I'm currently on a two and half hour break from work. I got overtime, but not directly following my shift. Money's money, and I'll do what I gotta do.

Overtime tomorrow, and I picked up hours on Saturday. Exhaustion is knocking at my door already.

I'm still going out to Eighties night, I think. If I show, I'll have to jet early, but I'll do my best to get sweaty. My very best.

I don't post a lot of ads up here, due to the "pretentious dick" tone I like to set, but this one made me crack a smile. I hate the little beeps these phones make. Just make a fucking call already!

Went out to karaoke at a gay bar yesterday. Although I did have a good deal of fun, I was a little let down. I just thought karaoke at a gay bar would be a little more "fabulous" than it was. (I didn't sing at all. Too sober.)

One of the very, very, very, exceptionally rare "college bands" that does not suck. Motherfucking Guster! Their albums are actual albums. As in, they're meant to be listened to from start to finish! Great stuff.

I suppose I'll get four hours of sleep tonight, if I'm lucky. I'd rather be out living than sleeping. What about you?

I'm not doing comedy right now.-BK

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