Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I can't recall any love at all.

At 4:18 in the morning, are you continuing to rock and roll all night, or are you preparing to party every day?

Set went alright last night. Much blaspheming. Some good laughs. No drinks or cigarettes, and no real audience other than comics.

I had Easy Mac for breakfast. It tastes just as good in the morning. Cooking is for squares.

The goal is not to turn on my heat until the 1st of November. I'm sure I will fail, but I'd like to see how close I can get.

"Excuse me miss, but would you care to marry me?"

I have dispatched my minions to the farthest reaches of all Southwest stations. As information comes in, the Minneapolis move is looking more and more like it will actually happen. People aren't really "from" there, and people who work in warm climates are smart enough to not want to move to Minnesota. They just pay way too much to live in the sun. Fuck em'.

My iTunes has gone from Kylie Minogue, to Justice, to David Bowie. It must know I haven't danced in a few days. Tomorrow night it goes down.


If Macgyver ever found himself with a girl, but no protection, what would he use? I would use a sock and some battery acid. Or a toilet paper tube and a Subway or Taco Bell wrapper. I'd cut myself with the Swiss Army knife. It's just bound to happen.

Ha ha ha!

(Love the music!)

If you don't kick it old school, at least on occasion, you don't really "kick it," do you? This is one of the greatest songs of all time. How do I know? Well, I never fast forward through it or change the station when it's on. That says something right there. Everything about it fits perfectly. It's like a Japanese car, but musical. Best drummer ever!

Two hours down, seventeen more to go.

Well, I mean, it's never been a rule, but...-BK

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