Monday, December 29, 2008

Back then I couldn't do the things that I can do now.

So fucking good to be back in Pittsburgh. So fucking good. Written without irony or spitefulness.

It was nice to visit the house that I grew up in, but so painfully apparent that it's no longer my house.

It was nice to see family.

It was nice to see a friend, and I apologize to the down-ass muthafuckas whose messages I didn't return. I was trying to keep the trip as stress-free as possible, which for me means relative isolation and precious solitude, which was rare with the noise of eight people in a home, in addition to the constant yammering of the voices in my head.

I think I may very well have seen my dog for the last time and it sucks. It was the only "not nice" part of the trip. Sucks hard.

When you give the world your art without compromise, audiences will emerge.

I had one of those deeply introspective, non-drunk airplane thinking sessions yesterday night. I would tell you what I thought about, what I pondered, and what elevated my heart rate, but the concepts themselves would make your head feel pretty much the same as it does before your read this sentence. I will say this: I am stronger in resolve and more motivated than ever before. It is time to pursue a dream that I didn't know I had until a few years ago with things I'm still not sure I have. I know that I haven't failed already.

Looks like the fabled second job has fallen into place. Things are working out nicely, and the future is becoming closer to tangible.

This is a "day maker" for sure!

Badonkadonk city dude.-BK

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