Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Championship Vinyl.

I was thirteen years old when this movie came out. I thought, and still think, it's the closest I've ever come to identifying with a character on screen...(Except for Buffalo Bill. Not the showman Buffalo Bill either, the other one.)

Spending time in the house you grew up in after a sustained absence is magical in an abstract, sort-of-surreal way. Familiar sights, smells, sounds, just a comfortable environ, as long as you can manage the dosage of family.

You see, I've grown comfortable and familiar with the solitary and silent confines of my home in Pittsburgh, and being around conversation and any number of random noises of my parents' home is trying my nerves already. I've been here less than 48 hours. Luckily, there's booze.

I will say this: There are few things in life that can bring you back like pooping in/on the toilet you grew up pooping in. The magazines have changed from Ride BMX to People, but it's a sameness found few other places in life, besides the shower two feet from the shitter. The water pressure in the shower is like that too. You instantly know the pressure on your back, and you can set the temperature by feel alone.

These things make it much harder, much more startling, and just plain tougher to watch my dog move around the house.

He probably won't make it to summer. I fear that when I say goodbye to him upon my embarkation, it will be the last time I see him, and that I will be saying goodbye forever, for good. His hind legs are getting lame. He has trouble standing up and sitting down, and stairs are a challenge for him. He barks at random things in the house, which is hilarious at first, but quickly loses it's luster. His hearing is shot. In essence, he's dying, just a little bit at a time. Big bummer. Very sad.

My mother keeps pie filling in spare bedrooms. I find this very odd. Excrutiatingly odd, actually. Is this new, or something I never noticed growing up?

I do know that she made me a big bowl of vegetarian chili, which is hella-cool. I mean it. Hella-fucking-cool.

I need to dance sometime this week. Likely tonight. Deep house and or electro/synth-pop preferably, but I'll settle for disco, or fucking make due with current Top 40 if I must.


Is this my web video of the year!? Will my camera be fixed under warranty, or will I need to curtail my beer budget in order to further my YouTube career? What's that smell? Stay tuned for a future edition to find out!

I am currently living roughly akin to one of those Arab nomadic kings. Instead of a tent in the dessert and a harem, I've got Direct TV and a refrigerator and freezer so full of food, pop, and beer that I can't see the sides or the back. So sweet.

I've been watching movie channels like a proverbial motherfucker. Superbad, Peaceful Warrior, Brokeback Mountain, Big Love, Tales from the Crypt, Planet Terror, etc...

I did watch The Brothers Solomon today. All of it. So horrible. Disgusting, actually. Worst movie I've ever seen, and lord knows I've seen a lot.

Why couldn't the fire keep burning?!

You know I'm hitting up my old spot.-BK

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