Monday, December 22, 2008


I went to the mall to buy pants yesterday. Pants for me, jeans actually. I knew it to be an unwise idea, but I had the time, so I decided to kill it in the most painful way possible. Anyways, I spent about half an hour after I finished shopping walking down aisles in the parking lot, looking as if my car was just ahead, and then cutting suddenly to two or three aisles over, just to aggravate the person following me down the aisle in hopes of taking my spot. In many ways, I've never left grade school.

My parents have DirectTV. So far, I've gathered the following:

-Jon Stewart. Still way funnier than Colbert.

-Fox Movie Channel. Yesssss! and Noooooo!

-HD football(or anything) looks dumb on a regular TV.

There is a lot of food to eat over the next week. This is a working vacation.

Glade's newest holiday fragrance.-BK

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