Tuesday, December 9, 2008

TVOTR, yo.

Big news is that the Governor of Illinois(the s is silent, yinz morons!) has been taken into custody on federal corruption charges. This is no surprise to anyone in the state. It's just how shit gets done. Always has been, always will be. He wasn't fucking a prostitute or having an affair. Sometimes the wheels of the political machine have to be greased with the green, if you get my drift.

Merrill Lynch lost eleven billion dollars last year. Stop for a second, and think about how much money that is. Right, I know! A lot of fucking money. Say you were in charge of a company that lost eleven billion dollars. I for one, would be happy to be keeping my job, but somehow, this douchebag CEO has the unmitigated gall to ask for a ten million dollar bonus!! He should be executed at the stockholder's meeting. By stoning. Everyone he laid off, everyone who lost savings based on his decisions, should get a "throw" so to speak.

Probably my favorite song of off the album. This album wasn't as good, for me at least, as their previous efforts.

I found myself writing some personal stuff about my drinking last night. I'm on the fence about debuting it tonight at the Moose. I recently had an interesting conversation about writing too much. Perhaps it is sometimes better to go back, refine, "tighten up," or expand already existing material. Who knows. Some say I'm fortunate in the fact that I can literally change the direction of my set on a dime, as my "brand" of humor is mostly observational, and not very introspective or self examining. I've tried to write from/on a more personal level, but every time that I do it feels fake and contrived, and I'm afraid that a smart, attentive audience will cut through it like a knife through vegetarian butter. I keep a lot of my life experiences to myself, and to one day become a great comedian, I fear I'll need to start sharing a little.

It's pushing fifty degrees today. Might be my last chance to clean out the whip in relative comfort. I have a lot of shit on the floors of my car. I haven't washed the outside of my car in over a year.

Gas is lower in price lately. Must be more young American soldiers getting maimed and dying for nothing this time of year. I'm not quite sure how supply and demand concepts work in Iraq.

I've got oven-made french fries totally mastered!

Insane. Kind of reminds of several former girlfriends. I'm not "holier than thou" here, but it takes me 5-9 seconds to eat a bean burrito. The dog is good!

Getting a second job is a first priority.

Rush is not political.-BK

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