Thursday, December 18, 2008

Perpetual. Like a cat.

I had one of those days at work yesterday. The kind of day that makes you really want to just destroy your environment, and then say "you can't fire me, I QUIT!" but then my friend hooked me up with some pizza, and everything turned sunny and warm.

Las Vegas. Snow. Enough to close the airport there, as they have zero capability to deice aircraft. This meant that my evening in Pittsburgh(barring the pizza) was not too much fun.

Here's a piece of baggage handler advice: If a wheelchair is carrying a large person, no matter the disability/level of sloth involved, it is bound to be heavy as well. This should go without saying, but I'm stupid. I went to pick up a 250 pound wheelchair like it was a walker and practically tore my back in half. Growl. Grunt. Frown. Pills.

Hey, did you know the director of A Christmas Story also directed Porky's? That's talent! Find me somebody who doesn't like one or both of these films and I'll show you a total square!

Blatant racism. Always hilarious and ever so endearing.

Are you looking for a new conversation piece for your home or office?

So little to do, so much time to do it.

They only ever found his head you know.-BK

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