Sunday, December 21, 2008

I was looking at myself. I was blind. I could not see.

In life, the only really shameful thing is being too afraid to try, not losing.

Some of the straight up best driving I've ever seen. Insane precision and control! I love the editing and camera angles on this as well. WATCH IT!

My bruised and battered physical shell, otherwise known as my body, is doing a little better. Need to eat healthier, walk or ride my bike to more places, and get back on supplements, that's for sure. My weight has stagnated, which may be the winter, or may be my ridiculous consumption of Mountain Dew, beer, and coffee amongst other, more solid forms of nourishment.

Reading some interesting books on writing theory. I've somewhat fallen away from reading for pleasure over the last five or six years. I guess it no longer was enjoyable, but now I seem to be getting that old satisfying feeling of "knowledge gained" again.

I've never been a believer in school, but I'm a huge believer in acquiring knowledge. I don't believe in being "taught" in the traditional sense, I believe in finding a mentor willing to show you and help you reach your potential. This is probably a key to the origin of my deep disdain for religion.

(Preachy, self-indulgent diatribe deleted by the author.)

Sorry I got all philosophical for a minute there, I watched The Fountain last night.

"Death is the road to awe."

What a fantastic film. You have to be willing not only to sit and watch, but also to listen with all your senses, and to imagine. So brilliant.

It was directed by Darren Aronofsky, who's currently getting overshadowed in the press by Mickey Rourke concerning The Wrestler, his latest film. I really hope it plays in Pittsburgh, as I am a HUGE fan of both Mickey Rourke and Darren Aronofsky.

I'm somewhat looking forward to Aronofsky's reboot of RoboCop. Could go either way at this point.

Wednesday morning will find me on a plane to Chicago. I'm pretty much indifferent to the whole "home for holidays" thing. I know it makes my mother happy, which in turn makes my father happy, so I'm obligated by a sense "owing them" to do it. I am happy at the prospect of seeing my dog, Otis, though. In fact, I've been greatly looking forward to seeing him, as it's been roughly six months. Anyways, I don't know how long I'm planning to stay for, so if you want to grab a beer, some coffee and pie, or go out searching for a thrill kill, message me in the appropriate manner, and we'll see if I'm up for it.

I'm working the afternoon shift today, and my post-work energy levels will dictate whether or not I'll be dancing later. Fuck it, I'll go, because I'm off for seven days after tonight. Moderation is for pussies.

Speaking of moderation, I've been giving serious thought to the cessation of drinking. Again. I spend a significant amount of money on it, and seem to be unique in the fact that drinking actually makes me far less social of a person, depending on my mood.

Also, every time I've been drinking of late, I've been drinking until I'm drunk, which is not healthy. Not to mention killing a lot of my late night "creating sessions," which is where a lot of my ideas are taken from concept to production. Not good on many levels.


Steelers/Browns next Sunday. I'm gonna try to get inside for it. Strangely, I hate watching football on television. Fucking hate it. With a passion, actually, but I enjoy the experience of being there live, whether it's the NFL or the kids next door. I still hate to play it, or most other team sports, though, make no mistakes.

Heard this while listening to a mystery mix CD,(which I initially assumed to be fetish porn) that I discovered living in sonic sin with my camping equipment. I like her. She has a heavy Sarah Silverman vibe going. Attractive.

Booking shows for January. Don't care about money. Don't care about location. Just care about exposure and progression. Move forward or die.

I think the reason that the Eighties are still so culturally relevant and fresh in our minds is largely because of how the music continues to pulsate in our heads. It was unarguably the best decade for pure pop music. Although I was only alive for six years of it, it's music is like an old familiar friend.

GREAT SONG! Really rad performance. Possibly my favorite U2 song. Post-punk rules!

You shit. Fuck you man. You've usurped my flow, you bitch. Damn you and your whole lineage!-BK

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