Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Return to see everything looks the same.

Sarah Connor was really good last night. Terminators hanging out in the Prohibition Era, building real estate empires and killing people. Totally fantastic. I hear it might be cancelled. It makes me sad. It's an original show with decent acting and writing, in a shitty time slot. Give it a chance to get some fans Fox! It is the one hour of television I watch while at home.

This is what you should show an alien who's never seen stand-up before. The very definition of perfection.

This makes me proud to be an atheist in America. I'm not even the kind that denies God's existence. If an entity is "up there," great. If not, fine too. I simply choose NOT to believe in a God. Trust and respect are earned from human to human, so why should trust and unquestioning belief in God be mandatory? All I know is that for as long as I remember, whenever I heard the words "the Bible says" I knew instinctively that I was about to be bullshitted for a couple of minutes.

I'm twenty-four years old. Pizza is still my all-time favorite food. My palate needs to evolve, or like, at least go through palate puberty or something. I don't know. I do know I like small amounts of onion and peppers now, so that's something.

There's a new room opening on 45th and Butler on Thursday nights. 8pm. The name of the venue is "The New Amsterdam." Steve Swanson is making this happen, along with a really exciting new project called Static Spin that I'm also going to be involved in via blog posts and video content.

Immortal indeed! Awesome.
See more funny videos at Funny or Die

Words are like nacho cheese in a way. I mean, both are totally delicious and good! Make some fucking nachos, figurative or literal, today!

He will be eligible for the Hall of Fame soon. He needs to get in!

I just woke up, yet I'm already "tuckered out." Go figure. Tucker is a dick.

Get down to that.-BK

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