Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The same affect on the effect.

Every once in a while, you have to ignore the musical conscience within you.

Lately, I've chosen to do this by really enjoying Jason Mraz's "I'm Yours." History has shown that this is not the first, and probably not the last, Jason Mraz song I will enjoy listening to. Jason Mraz, if you're reading this, I hope it's comforting to know that your schlocky, "Buffet for Idiots" style has transcended your target audience of perpetual grad students and thirty-somethings, and has managed to find a place in the heart of at least one of the surly folk on the fringes of society.

"The fringes of society" remark doesn't really make sense when you put yourself on stage in front of up to a dozen people at a time.

Here's another song of his I sing along to in my car if it comes on the radio. Impromptu dancing kicks ass!

The new Esquire (the one with Clint Eastwood on the cover) is a great way to whittle day away while throwing bags down in the "dungeon."

Another way is by writing material on George Bush and shoes, which is virtually certain to never see the light of stage. Not because it's horrible(remember, Ben Kenny = Genius), but because it's material that's being written by every other comic around. Best to let them wrestle over it and take and place bets accordingly.

I must give credit where it's due. It hurts me to say this, but the "All I can say is that it's a size ten." remark by Bush was funny.

I don't think the President, U.S. media, or most Americans understand what it means to see a Muslim throw his shoes at the leader of the "free" world. While it's good fodder for late night TV one-liners and a viral video or two, it amounts to a high insult in their culture, one of the highest in fact. I don't think many Muslims find humor in the act, whether they agreed with it or not.

I personally do agree with it. It's pretty cocky to essentially be giving a victory speech in a country that we've fucked so royally, so completely, that the brutality of the act will require "therapy" of many sorts for decades to come. Iraq is going to be America's herpes. It won't ever go away, no matter how pretty the commercials are, or if we shave our pubic region.

Please note: I DO NOT HAVE HERPES! Thank you.

Two shows tomorrow night. I'm looking forward to doing three or four a night in New York. It's gonna be trial by fire. Luckily, my arsenal is rather impressive. Plus, I have a really cool "Rambo" style knife with a hollow handle that I can put a setlist in.

Every note of music in this song is perfectly in place.

Mystic River, which Clint Eastwood directed, was on at work today. Why is it the Kevin Bacon never even gets nominated for anything! He is a fine actor, and he deserves more than he's given.

I don't know why I've been on such an Eastwood kick lately. Most American men grew up with him, he's like that badass older brother you never had, but wanted to be just like anyways! I just recently really started examining the scale, scope, and depth of his work, and I feel like I've been missing out on him for so long.

I wish more people made movies as good as this. Like your beloved author, Forest Whitaker is a fat vegetarian. Much love and respect for all lives, except when those lives lack love and respect of their own.

The AC/DC show here has sold out! I am immensely pissed about it. They play a hell of a show. Bummer.

Speaking of awesome, I'm super-stoked on The Chuck and Tito Texas! It made me double over in laughter.

"I don't know where you get your facts. The first generation of MLP's were made by Hasbro, not the Khmer Rouge. And Hasbro hasn't made toys out of human skulls since the 1960's." - PonyFAB, October 23rd, 2006 at 6:40 PM

Fuck it's early.

My camera is broken, and I am none too pleased.

Fire pole dancing in the dark water.-BK

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