There is no story behind this, it just really makes me laugh, so I felt it was my duty to share it with you all. You're welcome.
Show last night was fun. Good to see so many(13) local comics coming out week after week to support their scene and the comics in it. Unfortunately, I had to pull a dick move and leave right after my set, as I had shit to do balls-early this morning, and really needed some semblance of a decent night's sleep. My set went pretty well though. Some new stuff worked, some didn't.
Treated myself to dinner out last night. Tofu fried rice with some carrots and assorted greens. So fucking good. When mixed with beer however, it becomes a huge gastrointestinal risk. Stinky like the people on the bus.
Only a mere three days until the new Punisher flick comes out! I'm so excited about this that if I happened to be a puppy, I'd be peeing on your leg! It's gonna be soooooo good!
The greatest live band of the moment at one of the most magical venues on Earth. Nine Inch Nails at Red Rocks Amphitheatre, Morrison, Colorado.
I need to fuel my tug. That's not a euphemism or anything. I need to put diesel fuel in the vehicle I use to move bags from one place to another. I almost ran out of gas last week. I like to avoid embarrassment whenever possible.
Jeff Konkle needs to come out a little more often. This is somehow really, really creepy, even by my standards, yet totally hilarious. Well done Senor Konkdaddy, well done indeed!
I have a headache, stomachache, sore shoulder, achy, breaky, heart, and a bit of congestion, so I'm ending it here.
That pizza should still be well within the limits of freshness.-BK
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