Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Knife Party.

Need shows for January. Comics, get at me if you got time.

For the children. For. the. children. C.R.E.A.M.ed corn?

My body is getting used to eating it's "regular" food again after gorging for a week. It's not happy about it, but it'll deal with it if it knows what's good for it.

Hey you! You read this crap everyday. Why not write some of your own crap? I know a lot of creative people who don't use one of the simplest creative forms... WRITE SOMETHING!

Bristol Palin had her kid yesterday. Slut.

That was inappropriate. Sluts are smart enough to use protection, and gutsy enough to terminate unwanted pregnancies. Bristol Palin is a product of neglectful, poor parenting skills, sluts just like to fuck, usually preferring to destroy lives instead of recklessly creating them.

Sometimes, my more hip, urbanized friends will say "what's good?" in greeting, and I will respond "Cinnamon Toast Crunch." They will realize that I am not as cool as they are. I will continue with life mostly unaware.

Corky from Life Goes On is forty-three! The world is aging around me! Getting old/growing up is so weird. It's actually happening to me! Scary.

I am looking rather forward to getting back to working Wednesday. This is probably the longest span of time I've had off since 2005 or so. I'm not bored, but I like the routine of work. Besides actually working, my workdays consist of a lot stuff I enjoy, like eating food, writing material, watching cable television, and wandering around aimlessly. This very blog is rooted in being a product of downtime at work, in fact.

I've been listening to Deftones a super duper lot lately, mostly because it looks like they may be near their end, but also because they are a fresh breath, even if you're listening to something they put out ten years ago.

In an attempt to put my body back onto a normal work-related sleeping schedule, I got about three hours of sleep last night. Hope to be in bed by nine tonight.

Fuck you, they're the best!

It's nice country out there.-BK

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