Saturday, December 6, 2008

Butter knives.

Woke up at 6:45 and scrambled for about ten minutes, getting ready for work. Then I realized it was Saturday, and I was off. I swore out loud at myself, took my pants off, and went back to bed for what I thought would be an hour or two.

I slept until 11:30. So much for an early start on the day.

Managed to pull myself away from the computer for a few hours last night. It was 90's night. The band played interesting covers of songs not heard by my ears in quite a while. Since I'm on a "Christmas" budget, I decided to forgo food in hopes of catching a buzz off of less beer. Just like anything I put my mind to, I made it work. Drunk on four beers. Impressive, if you know how much I normally drink.

One of the songs I heard. It made me smile on the inside, and on the outside. A sonic long lost friend to me.

I'm going lightbulb shopping a little later. Jesus Christ.

Punisher was fantastic yesterday. Critics are missing the point with this movie. It's supposed to be nothing but violence! There is no moral, no political statement, nothing to take away accept the memories of the myriad of gnarly, gore-filled ways that bad guys get what's coming to them! Frank Castle/The Punisher's entire agenda is revenge and retribution. He doesn't ask why or how, he just does it. This is probably the best of the Punisher movies. Ray Stevenson was awesomely badass as Frank Castle, the action was "old school" i.e. not a lot of computer graphics, and the story was what it needed to be. Top Ten of the year for sure.

I really am excited about New York. I don't talk about it much to avoid redundancy, but I sure do think about it. I think about it every. fucking. day.

She was in town recently. I just found out. I am bummed. Heard she puts on a show. I'm not even sure if I like her music or not. Melodrama isn't for me. I don't know. I usually don't "like" an artist until I've seen them perform live. Amanda Palmer.

Wait! Ugly Kidd Joe, right?-BK

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