Friday, December 26, 2008

Full ice cream cake.

My return to Pittsburgh, to home, is on the horizon.

It's been fun here though. Lots of food, drink, and family that you don't see a whole lot.

Dancing was super duper fun the other night. Had to abandon my original destination, but I quickly found a suitable alternative. Good music and a bunch of people there to, in the words of the fabulous Lady Gaga, just dance.

I do have a bitch of a blister on my heel though. It formed while wearing borrowed shoes, and was rubbed into perfection over the evening of dancing. It hurts in a really bothersome, annoying way.

Ever see the Perfect Pushup ads? What a load of shit! You still have to exert yourself! What the fuck!?

Unbelievable levels of cool.

Money clips are overrated.-BK

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