Wednesday, December 10, 2008

You only have to look behind you.

Instead of bemoaning my lack of income yet again last night, I took the initiative and started looking online for jobs. I even applied for a few. I'm hoping for part time stocking/inventory work, preferably overnight. That way, I can go to work, and just go to the regular job straight from there. I can spend my afternoons sleeping. Did this for a while a few years ago and it seemed to work out.

Show tonight! The Obey House. Always a good time. Hopefully I'll see your ass there!

Brand new room opening next week! The New Amsterdam, in Lawrenceville. It's going to be fantastic. Come support the shit out of it, on Thursday at 8 PM!

I hate knowing that I need to be up for work at 3:45 in the morning, laying in bed for three hours, and not being able to relax enough to sleep. The last time I looked at my clock, it was 1:15. Ugh.

Props to Sean Rush on his big win last night. This is from a prior performance.

I ate a pound of cheese last week. An entire pound. It was a special week. Nothing out of the ordinary, totally mundane and normal in fact. I just integrate cheese into damn near every meal. This is why I can never be vegan.

This song is timeless. I ran in slow motion down the streets of Los Angeles to it today. Memories resurface like that one body I didn't properly weigh down...

I have been pounding away at an Obama bit that I believe could be destined for greatness, but I haven't been able to make it cohesive. The future isn't easy. You gotta print the check before you can cash it, and go buy copious amounts of cocaine and one or two hearty, road-worn whores to get down with.

I have no solid dates on the move to NYC. It's happening, but it's months away, so I'm looking to start up a room somewhere. I'm not looking very hard, but if it happens, it happens. Ideally, I'd like to give three comics 15-20 minutes each to stretch out their legs and test their material on a weekly or semi-weekly basis of some sort. I'll let you know.

krullbeast's foot was thisclose to falling off. It didn't. Goddamn modern medical science. Hopefully, he's creating more awesome shit like this during his lengthy recuperation. He makes genuine laughter permeate from my oral cavity. The chorus is tight.

day like today from krullbeast on Vimeo.

Two hundred Chicago window factory workers getting six grand a piece is not a victory for organized labor. It just highlights the fact that these people, my people essentially, are used as pawns in a political game. They didn't get their jobs back, the factory is closed. If Unions really wanted change, they would've burned down Washington D.C. around 1990 or so. They want "Unity" as long as the "y" isn't a bothersome question.

My Union is picketing at the airport tomorrow. Luckily, I'm working a double. About a dozen people not working have said they have no intention of showing, because it's a stupid thing for the Union to do. We're asking for more money at an airport that has lost 10,500 jobs in the past 7 years. God help those who believe in Him/Her, because the Union's action's aren't doing shit for it's members.

A Batman era.-BK

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