Thursday, December 25, 2008

Ireland forever.

Merry whatever or nothing. Keep it real like Ralphie today.

Old ass video of yours truly. I'm a bit fatter and sloppier, but it's nice to look back and see how far along I've come...

Forty members of my family coming over to hang out today. Since I haven't seen most of them in a few years, I'm looking forward to it, somewhat.

I have been able to get a bit of writing and conceptualizing done. I really want to fire out a TV spec script in the next month or so, just to get the formatting and general tone down a bit better.

I keep it real. While I enjoy and love stand-up comedy, I believe that I have a better shot of "making it" using my writing and creative abilities, so I would like to keep honing those as best I can. While my approach to comedy is somewhat unique in a town like Pittsburgh, I know that there are probably a hundred people, some better, some my peers, most worse, doing what I do in NYC, so I need to diversify. I keep it real.

Looks like The Wrestler isn't playing anywhere in Chicago either! What the fuck! Wait... it's downtown! Maybe tomorrow morning if I'm not totally hungover. No, nevermind. Far too many after-Christmas shopping drones about town tomorrow. Goddamnit!

I live to party is often perused by the infamous BK, who also pretty much lives to party, when his budget and work schedule allow for it. This is why I want to be wealthy. I just want to get gnar-crazy all night long and sleep during the day. Forever and ever.

Don't matter if it's a gay bar.-BK

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