Wednesday, December 3, 2008


This blew up on YouTube yesterday. The quality and singing talent are mediocre, but I like the wit in the lyrics.

Sorry for all the "evangelizing" but we're people too, non-existing Goddamnit!

The ability to make people laugh in normal daily conversation has slowly earned me free food at the airport. First, the price declined. As weeks went by, extra stuff went in my bag, and/or a cheaper item was rung up, and now I just show up at 9:15 and my ass gets fed! Hells yeah!

12 of the 25 most played songs on my iTunes are from the Eighties. Six are from the Sixties. Three are from the Seventies. I am not retro, I just have taste!

Everyone should have a friend who illegally copies entire seasons of shows to DVD for them. I'm watching season two of Dexter this week, and maybe beginning my journey into The Wire next week.

Company is making progress with New York. Final word comes in March or so. Stay tuned to the blog, and in time, to Comedy Central.

Maybe that seemed cocky to you. If I was reading someone else's version of those words, it'd seem cocky to me. Good thing I'm not reading someone else's words.

Video from last night turned out like shit. Tinny sound and way too wide of a shot. Utterly useless.

Travis Walling, why are there no clips of you on the Internet? You were totally gonna get the "Ben Kenny shout out" today! Don't you know what such a thing will do for your career!!?!?? Just today Jeff Konkle farted and people pretended they didn't notice! I'm that powerful. I'm, like, Joe Pesci in Casino powerful!

Oh well, your loss. Guess I'll just post this up in your video's stead.

adam banton's electronical part from eastern bikes on Vimeo.

Anybody know if The Never Ending Story is on DVD? It's good like warm cookies.

However, although it's good like warm cookies, for my money, motherfucking Krull has to be the best fantasy film of the Eighties! Oh yes bitches, I'm putting it up against Ladyhawke, Legend, Dune, and the proverbial front runner in the hearts of all who are Goth and scary, Labyrinth. No matter the movie, if there's mud and/or a swamp, JUST WALK THE FUCK AROUND!

It has horses with feet of fire, laser guns, a mountain spaceship thing, a giant spider guarding a secret, the most badass throwing star of all-time, romance, sorcery, heroism, mystery, a Cyclops!... the list could go on for days! It's the shit! See it!

January 13th. Dance all night. Belvedere's. Hell's yes Ben Kenny will be there!

Maybe I'll catch some more of Dexter before work.

Not in here.-BK

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