Friday, December 19, 2008

It's a fire inside, burning hot, burning wild.

Called off work yesterday. Because I only managed to sleep an hour. Because I was/am in pain. My back, right shoulder, right thumb and ring finger, left knee, and left wrist all hurt. All of these things are manageable one, two, or even three at a time, but when they come at me at once, I give it the ol' "fuck it" and take a day off for some Ben time. I guess it's always Ben time, really, but you get the gist.

I like to go to really bad movies, during their sixth week, and there's only one other person in the theatre, and I like to sit right next to them. And they're like, 'excuse me?', and I'm like, 'Shhh, I can't hear Keanu.' - One of the best comedians working today, Zach G.(not going to attempt to spell it).

Goddamn the remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still was unremarkable. It was just a lot of really weak attempts at social commentary performed by stereotypical characters. Weak and uninspired feeling. This movie should've came out in July, it was just popcorn fare. Keanu Reeves, wooden and zombielike as always, was the best part of this movie.

Shout out to Tom Musial for shouting me out on his blog. You always gotta "holla back" at a shout out. It's the eighteenth rule of Fight Club. Oh shit, I just broke the first and second rules! Anyhow, I like Tom Musial very, very much. In a town where many of the comedians are under thirty and just beginning life, Tom is in the early to middle of his, and comedy from his perspective is something Pittsburgh needs more of. Badly. Very badly.

(At this point, Ben Kenny leaves the Blogger window, opening another window, heading to YouTube, and enters "Tom Musial" into the search bar. He finds nothing, and is somewhat upset.)

This was playing on iTunes while on YouTube looking for the elusive Musial footage. Since none presented itself, here ya go.

Work on the end of the year/best of post has begun. It's going to be unnecessarily long and wordy, and probably more than a little preachy, but you'll read it, because my opinion matters.

I never really learned how to use a semicolon. I mean, I'm sure I learned the proper way and technique in high school, but all my English classes were in the early morning, and I was most likely stoned during that lesson. I do remember 9/11 happening during second period English my senior year. I was stoned, and thought the concept of a plane crashing into the WTC tower was sort of cool, until I realized it was an actual passenger jet, and had my buzz taken from me. That's why I hate terrorists. They ruined the high of Ben Kenny. Dude, not cool. Dude.

Speaking of things colonic,(in the literary sense) please note: BEN KENNY NO LONGER USES ANY DRUGS WHATSOEVER. But he will when he is independently wealthy enough to! Insert "winky" emoticon for yourself, dick. Thank you.

Exclamation point! Question mark? The Sword is coming to Pittsburgh! THE SWORD!!!!!

Staggeringly awesome use of patterns in this composition.

Show last night at the New Amsterdam was well attended, and not only by comedians either! I wish I could've done somewhat of a better set, but I went to my "default table" and just focused on making them laugh. Thanks and props to Steve Swanson for putting it together. Hopefully it will be going strong after the New Year.

Show tonight at The Smiling Moose. It's looking like I'm hosting. I'm stoked to be hosting! It's a rare treat for me. I actually am beginning to enjoy it, as it's still performing, but a nice break from the normal, established routine that we all work.

Yes! Oh God Yes!

I'm indifferent to apathy.-BK

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