Saturday, December 13, 2008

Honk, or beep?

Clint Eastwood is pretty awesome. He drops a movie a year, sometimes just as a director, but more often as actor and director, in addition to occasionally writing and scoring as well. I'll probably see Gran Torino some day next week. Looks pretty interesting, and maybe even thought-provoking in a way movie goers might not be used to...

I was able to escape the hellhole commonly known as Pittsburgh International Airport early yesterday. Small effort for great joy.

Homemade things are the best. I guess it goes without saying really, but when you "homemake" something for yourself, it's even better! I whipped up some nachos for dinner yesterday, because I'm awesome, and I deserved it. High Life is delicious with nachos, or with nothing.

There must be some sort of a white trash convention going on in Millvale this weekend. Or, more likely I just haven't been paying attention. Last night it was five people in a bar/street brawl across the street from my place, then a baby cried for a long, long time, presumably while my meth addict neighbors were either passed out, fucking, or just neglectful for the hell of it. This morning it was a small dog of some sort barking incessantly. Maybe when I get home from work today they'll be a used appliance on my doorstep! I can hardly wait.

The word "spork" dates back to 1909, while the tool itself dates to at least the 1870's? Fascinating. I myself have a titanium spork. It cost me nine dollars a few years ago. I use it quite a bit. It's good for Asian soups and rice dishes of any ethnic origin.

I think I was very, very close to tearing my ACL this morning. My right knee is throbbing right now, but I'm on a double dose of codeine, so I'm good.

With the knee situation and a double shift on deck for tomorrow, I think I'd be wise to spend the evening at home. I'm going to order a pizza, drink some beers, and watch Monster Squad, or The Thing, or maybe both.

This is fucking hilarious, not to mention adorable almost beyond belief. I LOVE DOGS.

I swear they turn up the volume when Christmas music is playing.

Not that remarkable.-BK

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