Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The lights are turning red.

Sorry for throwing this up late today. I was in need of sleep, and sleep was in need of me. Plus, I'm on a double shift at work.

So, uh, Barack Obama is Time's Person of the Year. What a cowardly, foolhardy choice. I like him well enough, but he hasn't actually accomplished much of anything yet, although his potential seems to be limitless. His first 100 days(the standard mass media judgement of a President) will be an unwinable battle for him. No matter how well he does, and I'm confident he'll do extremely well, it won't be enough. He really does have the hopes and dreams of a desperate nation on his shoulders, in addition to the weight of the world. But until he gives the nation solid returns on it's investment of "hope" I'll keep my distance.

A much better Person of the Year, again, would be the men and women of the U.S. military, who are largely forgotten(except for when they die in vain, which every death in this conflict has been) and are continuing to fight a faceless enemy in an intolerant land, in an ever-changing mission. Those people, whether you agree with the war or not, are more deserving of accolades than any politician or entertainer.

Don't forget about that New Amsterdam show tomorrow. I'll be looking for you. With binoculars.

Also, a late addition, the "Cancelled Band Comedy Show" at the Smiling Moose on Friday. It's free and I'll be there, what more do you need?

My throat is really rough and abraded today. Don't know what I did or didn't do to make it so. I do know I just spent too much money on cough drops.

My friend needs your help. Please watch this and vote for him. He hustles like a true playa and backhand pimp-slaps his haters with class and panache.

That aircraft is no longer going to Philly.-BK

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