Friday, December 5, 2008

Mars and Moon.

I've got a three day weekend starting tonight. Friday and Saturday nights should be relatively mundane affairs, but this is the first Sunday I will be able to enjoy in a long while. Sleep until noon. Tailgate. Maybe get into the game. Head to the Smiling Moose. Dance until close. Head to Tilden/Club Hot. Dance until close. Food? Breakaway from friends. Head to Mt. Washington or possibly the Point, watch the sunrise, and know that the world is in the palm of my hand. Always has been, always will be. Sometimes you just forget you're holding on to it.

Winter is definitely here. My hands are dried and cracked, bleeding actually, and my face is quite ashy. I need moisturizer.

Listened to Filter's Title of Record album all night last night. Very good stuff. Did you know the lead singer of Filter, Richard Patrick, not only was a member of NIN but is the brother of the T-1000, Robert Patrick?! I guess awesome runs in the family!

This isn't from that album, but it's really good. Their use of acoustic guitar with a subtle smidge of electronica is gnarly.

I have no idea how long these sheets have been on my bed. I think they would "grow into" me if I wasn't so fond of bathing and evenings away from the house.

Bouncing out of work early to go see Punisher: War Zone. I hope it's half as good as I hope it will be.

Some people shouldn't be making PA announcements at the airport, or anywhere else really. You don't have to shout into the mic! And just tow the fucking car already, the driver should know better!

I slept like a baby last night. Of course, the baby I'm referring to is a two hundred and thirty pound borderline alcoholic, but still, it was good to sleep so deeply for once.

I'm going on one of those "OK, time to stock up for a nuclear winter" type of shopping trips at some point this weekend. People though. So many fucking people will be out showing their friends and family how much they value them through the power of bestowing gifts. Maybe I'll move that shopping trip to sometime next week.

Speaking of next week, I'm back to working super early in the morning! No more traffic and healthy breakfasts everyday!

Too awesome. Too awesome! If you don't know who Vince Clarke is, you're missing out on a lot.

I know, I know, but why can't you see that pizza is the solution?-BK

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