Thursday, December 4, 2008

Virtual Special Olympics.

I've recently found myself in a bit of a "beef" with another local "performer."

The following is my version of events, and the last I will mention of it on the blog, as you guys obviously seem more interested in random rants, and news of my bowel movements, eating habits, and movie and musical preferences.

And away we go:

About a month ago, whist browsing at night, I came across a blog post written by another local comic. Subject matter aside, let's just say I understood his point, but did not agree with the means.

As I'm not the "water under the bridge" type, I wrote him, and politely offered my opinion of his opinion. As I knew him to be a close associate and friend of previously mentioned "performer" I offered some words of warning about said "performer" as he had, and apparently continues to have, "beef" with some of the hardest-working and most respected comedians in town.

As anyone who knows me already knows, I probably came off/appeared really arrogant in the letter.

While not necessarily private, the letter was something written between two people, not published to any blog or bulletin.

It doesn't bother or surprise me that my opinion of this "performer" made it to his ears.

If he was upset, which he quite obviously gets quite easily, he should have discussed it with me via private message or(gasp!), in person.

However, he chose to post a cute, vulgar little blog about it. Since I only read early twentieth century erotica and leftist propaganda from South America, I was blissfully unaware, until a friend of mine called my attention to it.

I do not, ever, tolerate someone attempting to insult me in public, and I responded via blog the next day. Private messages of support and congratulations abounded, and I was content to "let it go."

Obviously, my words hit a little hard at the "performer's" fragile ego, which is about as easy as throwing a rock at the broadside of Heinz Field.(Super local reference bonus points! BOOYAH!!)

He posted a few more blogs dedicated solely to little ol' me, and I'd like to take a moment to sincerely thank him for that:

So, uh, thanks, "performer!"

I appreciate the hits and views you've provided me, but for some reason, no one left any negative comments! Oh well, guess I'll just have to keep not sucking.

As I wind this down, I'd like to make one thing explicitly, crystal, ocean water in the Bahamas clear:

I am by no means a "hater" of this "performer" although it's safe to say that I do hate him.

You see folks, to be a "hater" of something is rooted in jealousy of it. I'm not jealous of 5,000 virtual friends and a Cafepress store. I'm not jealous of the content the "performer" spams everyone on the Internet with. Finally, I most certainly am not jealous of said "performer." If anything, I thank him for the entertainment he provides, off stage of course, to all the comics in town.

My friends, readers, and random stoppers in, I thank you for all of your continued support, confidence, and friendship. Whether I met you in Chicago, Denver, or in my beloved Iron City, I want you guys to know that you keep me motivated! Thank you from the depths of my heart.

Thank you again for your support, and again, I'm done discussing this matter via Internet.

While you're here, if you've never checked out the below, please do. Because after all, I kick ass!

Living in an unkempt world.

My Facebook. "Ben Kenny" is easy enough to type into a search bar. Get on it.

My Vimeo and YouTube pages. No need to look at both, but definitely keep your eye on one, as big things will shortly be coming along.

He wouldn't know what that word means!-BK

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