Friday, December 12, 2008


Bettie Page, rest in peace. Whatever peace you can find. You deserve it. Thanks. For everything.

Two shows last night.

Thanks to Chuck for coming out, and as always, I wish it was a better show for him to see. Chuck and his friend were the only two audience members who were not comics or venue employees.

Second show was better, but the audience was sparse by the time I went on. You gotta keep pluggin'.

Brief appearance on a dance floor after that, then home to sleep in preparation for 13 hours of fun at work today. Shitty weather and shitty attitudes everywhere.

This album is awesome. I still listen to it.

I don't give a shit about Kaballah or affairs. She, and her music, will be culturally relevant until she dies. Heard a track of hers on the dance floor tonight, and watched as it pulled a dozen or more people out to dance. Not ironically, either, although the people were really annoying hipsters.

I am in debt to whoever created(or stole from a Mexican) the breakfast burrito. An integral part of any baggage handler's day. We tend to stick with food that doesn't require silverware. Makes life easier and more streamlined.

Secured some extra hours this week, so that's good.

Like in the olden days, ya know?-BK

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