Friday, August 15, 2008

All for the nookie.

Weird how the days of my life all seem to meld into one another. I don't know if it's good or bad, but it does mean I seem to have fallen into a routine, which makes me lean towards bad.

What should I do to break up said routine???

It must be broken because I am a man in my mid-twenties with no obligations. No family of my own, no wife/mate, no property, no tethers to a life. I fear having a routine of any sort is a start down the road I have no interest in traveling at this juncture in my existence. Maybe someday, but not tomorrow, or within the next seven or eight years.

Maybe the next week spent drunk in Wisconsin will shed some light on an answer hiding in the dark corners of my mind.

I'm seriously concerned that I'm on the road to becoming an "only when I've been drinking" smoker. Well, considering my shitty diet, healthy drinking habit, and dangerous and stressful job, my health is fucked, so screw it! I don't see a problem with this, unless I have to actually buy the cigarettes.

I still won't dance with a cigarette in my hand though. Gay.

This was so funny I read it twice! Priceless absurdity. Priceless picture.

I posted the below a few days ago, but the link seemed to die out right quick-like. I post it again with the reasons why Kylie Minogue is a favorite.

"This is unbelievably good. This is how pure, raw, 100% real dance music sounds. No samples, no altered vocal tracks, no guest spots. The length of the track is just right, just enough to get deep into without getting lost in it or tired out. This is all about throwing up your arms, shaking your shoulders, and flowing. She should be more famous than Jennifer Lopez. It's a shame she isn't. She deserves it, and she IS FUCKING GORGEOUS! She's forty years old and far sexier than most anyone out today. The secret? She knows how to carry herself like a woman, and doesn't appear desperate for attention, ever."

Step outside of your musical comfort zones. Unless it's the Jonas Brothers. They're like Maroon 5 with even less balls and no beer or skanks backstage. They were on the cover of Rolling Stone. What. The. Fuck!?

Although I no longer aggressively ride BMX, I'm still able to find inspiration in the people who do it for a livin'.

Muscle it out. No surrender. No quitting. Hustlin'

What happens when you mix a creative mind with massive physical talent?

(The band is Autolux. They're one of the bands cool kids like me have been on for three years. You down yet?)

To be in your forties, and to live life on your own terms... that's a dream I hope never dies for me.

I'm developing some sweet calluses on my feet. Maybe I'll kick boards for fun or something now.-BK

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