Monday, August 4, 2008

Time to take the red pill.

I often think of the people I see while driving.

Where are they going? Why? Do they have to be there on time? Are they late? Do they have real, concrete dreams, or are they going through life's motions?

Then I snap back to reality right before I almost rear-end the car in front of me, hitting the brakes and launching my CD's and lunch into the foot bay of my passenger side. Life is such a drag, but if I feel alive for that moment, it's worth it.

I've taken to ultra late night/early morning bike rides again. Good way to soul search without feeling the need to be hammered. Constructive both physically and mentally. I should make an infomercial or some shit.

For some reason, I couldn't get this picture to upload, but check this link out. There are no words for how sweet it is.

Mexican food is really tasty. What is the default foreign food in Mexico? I bet it's haggis! It's haggis, isn't it?

People have been noticing that, apparently, I am skinnier. My belly button keeps getting shallower. Innie, here I come!

Like many nerds, I have been on a heavy, heavy Christian Bale kick lately. Check out The Machinist, The Prestige, and especially American Psycho. He goes one hundred percent into his work, and is brilliant! Bale is the heir apparent to those two old Italian American gentlemen everyone seems to hold so dear. Hopefully he won't make buddy comedies with whoever takes Ben Stiller's place in twenty-odd years...

Seriously, who didn't think of doing this to Jared Leto in real life after he started getting interviewed about 30 seconds to Mars... all the goddamn time. You're not fucking Bono, Jared. You're not Chris Martin. You're not even Michael Stipe. Talk less, act and sing more!

Four more days until a day off. It will be magical. MAGICAL.

Quesadillas are making a big culinary comeback in my world. I'm even considering eventually purchasing a quesadilla maker. Mad suburban. I guess I should start feeding kids after their soccer practice or whatever. I'll probably need to get some sort of windowless work van as well. Don't want anybody to be uncertain.

They're certainly no Jonas Brothers, but they'll just have to do for today..

The laundry pile is my personal K2.-BK

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