Saturday, August 2, 2008

Gotta get that tasty flax.

I'm staying in tonight. Think I might cozy up with a book and a bottle of something, as my back is tighter than tight. Not in a good, Oriental girl, walk on your back happy ending massage way either. We're talking big Eastern European guy with calloused hands who treats you like a side of beef way. I hurt today. Goddamn you all, people returning from MCO!

I sat in traffic for over an hour returning home from work tonight(a Saturday) because people from this region do not understand the concept of merging early. Coupled with the back pain, I was so aggravated I rolled my windows up and just screamed and yelled for about five minutes. Then I put on Foreigner's greatest hits, and rocked out. I know what love is, but I'd love to be shown again and again and again.

I'm looking forward to next Saturday, as it will be my first day off in 12 days. This is substantial if you knew the kind of work I do in the process of making my living. It is going to be a long six days. It will not be fun. But I'm doing some comedy in the midst of it all, which makes life bearable.

Show last night was good. Good to see a few people still like interesting music and dancing. I haven't been to a show where people were balls-out, no cigarette or drinks, dancing in a while, and even though it was only 2 people(I danced only a little because of the back issue), it was still cool.

As a rule, let's all just finally agree that the British make the best music in the world! Their visual style is generally better than ours as well. While American sex appeal consists of a lot tits, abs, and ass(not bad at all), the British and European sex appeal is more about being confident, intimate, and comfortable, which is hard to do well in print and video, which is why Americans don't bother with it. Not that all of these videos are about sex. I'm just looking at porn in another window, so you'll have to excuse me.

That's enough. See??? DO YOU SEE?

I need some food. My condiments are lonely.-BK

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