The rematch begins in twelve hours.
I bet it's not as much of a human tragedy, because Southerners/Cajuns, although barely literate and lacking cognitive capacity, seem to have the ability to remember what Katrina did, and are getting the fuck out of Dodge, so to speak. Also, the population is not near what it was for Katrina, so that helps.
Here's a thought! Perhaps the people who name hurricanes should stop giving them Eastern European names?! Gustav sounds like a dude who'd be pulling out an action hero's teeth with a pair of needle nose pliers. What about hurricane Jonathan, or perhaps Hurricane Stephen? Just give them all effeminate names, and maybe they will lack the self confidence to ever get past Category 2.
And yes, I do find all of this entertaining. You can say you don't, but on a primal, somewhat hidden level, we all have a sick fascination and take a little bit of joy in the suffering of others. We feel bad about it afterwords, and cut hundred dollar checks during telethons, but it will never change our nature.
On the upside, politics won't be the lead story for at least two days!
I find it hilarious that Bush/Cheney are skipping the RNC in order to devote their full attention to the storm. After all, we all saw what happened to the oil rigs last time around. I can picture a shirtless Cheney, heart surgery scar glistening with sweat and rainwater, battening down hatches on some shit hole oil platform....
Worker #1: Sir, the last helicopter is leaving for the mainland. We need to go, NOW!
Cheney: (Muttering, possibly drunk.) Get out of here. I need to stay! I must ensure the continual rape of Earth's natural resources, no breaks!
Worker #1: I'm going to get drunk and piss on your statue one day, asshole.
There are so few true artists left in the public eye today. Marilyn Manson is definitely one of them. I don't worship the guy, but him and his crew can make some kick ass records, and his visual style is beyond comparison.
How do I defend his originality against claims he's a copy of Alice Cooper? Simple, find me another artist, from any era, who sounds, looks, or says things like he does? There is no fear, and he has no lines left to cross.
Plus, he fucks nineteen year-olds, which is always a plus in my book. Shit, smoke em' if ya' got em,' know what I mean?
This is what the First Amendment is all about kiddo.
Not better than the original, but one of my favorite cover songs. Fat beat, yo. Really great "bluesy" solo on this.
Great.(This one is a little graphic, so be forewarned.)
Tomorrow's Labor Day. I have to work, but I plan to dance like I will never work again tonight, body be damned.
I've been tapering off with the booze as of late. I feel this may be a life long battle for me, as I sometime cannot control the speed at witch I imbibe. I always(usually) know when to cut myself off, but I shouldn't be drinking as much as I do. I mean, I'm not even a veteran or anything, you know?
I fail to see how my involvement in the situation can help you.-BK
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