Saturday, August 23, 2008

Lights in the Sky over Cleveland

I am still on a high from the show.

-As mentioned previously, I was tenth row. I was immediately stage left. I was so close I could've thrown a water bottle, underhanded, to the opposite side of the stage from me.

-The opener, Nicholas Megalis, blew me away. This was a one-time gig for him, but wow, I mean, wow. Just his voice, a keyboard/organ, and a drummer. Really impressive. The kid should be famous, but probably won't be, because life sucks. I have never seen a NIN show where the opener was not able to grab my attention. All are hand picked by T. Reznor because they offer originality and freshness, besides kicking ass. If you go to a NIN show, get there for the opener, and pay attention.

-The stage. There were four separate backdrops that worked individually and in unison with each other. It was, hands down, the best stage set-up I have ever seen, and I've seen a lot of shows in my day. At one point, one of the screens was "played" as a drum machine. Mind blowing stage setup you guys. You have to see it live. Pictures and my words could never, ever, do it justice.

-Set was close to three hours. Favorite songs included "Only," "Reptile," "Survialism," "Echoplex," "Gave Up," and "Wish." It was a well-rounded set, good for the old school people and for the hardcore, psychotic fan alike. How much of a fan/pretentious dick am I? Well, I had to ask the guy next to me to stop talking to me during the show.

-Went with sweaty attire. It was the smart decision, as I got soaked. People in my area danced a bit too. This made me uber happy! (Yeah, I did just use the word "uber" in a post. Remember though, I am better than you guys at everything. Except for being lame. You guys rule at that!)

-If Cleveland and Pittsburgh were prostitutes, Cleveland would be the one without the open, puss-filled sore on their lip. In the end though, she's still a bad choice, because her glory days are also far behind her, never to return. While "newer" in appearance than the mighty Iron City, the economic depression and lack of populace were readily apparent to those who knew what to look for.

-11.17.08 Columbus

-12.13.08 Las Vegas (If you want to go to this show, I am willing to get you there, via plane, for free, if you pay for the room.)

Chuck is our fueler at the work. Chuck takes care of business. Chuck is one of my favorite people on Earth!
Got to be fueling something......

Nope, not going to the Jonas Brothers show.-BK

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