Friday, August 29, 2008

Worn shoes with fresh soul.

Calves on fire, soaking wet clothing on the floor, note that says "shower" taped to bathroom mirror, and my shoulder hurts a lot.

I was dancing yesterday. Even though I really intended to take it easy and hang loose, dancing prevailed. Fun.

If you talk on your cell phone, in public, at the airport, don't do it near me, as I'm not turning my radio down. I need it to do my job, and to ensure your suburban ass has a nice travel experience. You can tell your husband what to cook your kids for dinner later, but I need to know where to put those transfer bags at now.

In case any of you were coming out to the Obey House, the show has been cancelled. I will let you guys know when it's rescheduled.

Peoples ability to merge is non-existent here in Western Pennsylvania. People will see the fact that a lane is closed, see the flashing signs, see the directional traffic cones, and see everyone else merging, but will still disregard all logic in a feeble attempt to save twenty seconds. I scream in my car almost every day.

I've been gnoshing on this delicious salad all morning. Since I don't really like greens, when I do eat them, I like to make it memorable. I put salsa on it instead of dressing, and I think the decision was smart. Fucking tasty, and lower in fat too boot!

This is effective sex education.

Taking the weekend incognito. Working tomorrow and catching up on sleep.

Look for an upcoming video collaboration between myself and two other PGH comics. It's gonna be groundbreaking. I'll bet your mom's life on it!

Respect Trench Town.

This song has been in my head all day long, and I don't know why. I do know it's awesome, but it's still sonic herpes.

We're not gonna strike.-BK

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