Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Colour of money.

I've drank over a hundred ounces of soda pop today. If I keep it up, I will soon be fat like Biggie was, but at least I'm a nominally better rapper/MC.

What is the male version of the fabled "little black dress?" I think it's shaving your back. When you shave your back, you know "it" can't be too far off. I don't shave my back though, as I have hopes of transplanting that hair to my hairline someday.

If y'all like to throw punches, jump up and down, drum on your car's steering wheel, scream loudly, slam beers, wear wife beaters, snort E, shop at Hot Topic, head bang, tailgate, drop out of school, get tattooed, do shots, drink Monsters, not bathe, or just plain enjoy letting aggression out in a non-public shooting kind of way, you'll probably like Slipknot. It's not cool or hip to like them, but when the time and place is right, and you'll know when, they're just about tailor-made. Under appreciated and not respected enough for the art they make and the artists they are. GOOD STUFF!


Mushroomhead is still way better though. By leaps and bounds.

Working both off days again this week. Psh.

The best straight-up rock and roll band in the world? I don't necessarily agree for sure, but I sure as hell ain't betting against 'em!

Live, they sound nothing like they do on the record, which is good, because it's rock and roll. If you don't understand why it's good, you need to stop breathing on a permanent basis.

I realize I should probably shower, but really, why bother? After all, I'm sitting here, indian style, eating ravioli(organic, of course) straight out of the can while some ice cream defrosts near my crotch. I'm not wearing a shirt either. Maybe I'll chain a dog to a cinder block and throw empty cans of Natural Ice at it later. Class act.

Possibly in Chicago or Cleveland next weekend. I haven't decided yet. Time, as it has a knack of doing if you wait long enough, will tell.

Dancing at the new place tomorrow evening. I truly did have fun there, despite the hipsters. We'll see if I can repeat it. I know I can if Blondie, New Order, and The Purple One are involved. I will never drink Pabst Blue Ribbon out of a bottle. That's just dumb! DUMB!

I'm going to see Tropic Thunder. I don't care about the controversy. This aggravation needs to be directed towards the fact that society, by and large, chooses to exclude the "intellectually disabled" from virtually all of it's endeavours, with politics and fast-food dining room clean up being notable exceptions. The film doesn't make fun of any single person, and it's not out to be intentionally hurtful to them. Shit, just give them a hug and take them to the zoo. That ought to shut them up.

He's picking up on things pretty quick.-BK

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