Monday, August 11, 2008

I went to the same strip club two different times this weekend.

Why do men find it fun to overpay for entry, drinks, and the affection of women while listening to music best left on jukeboxes at truck stops?

Because tits and ass are awesome, that's why!

Both trips combined only cost me 24 bucks, which isn't much, so it's cool. I don't really get into getting lap dances, as I have people who are glad to provide the service to me for free, and I don't have to pay extra to have them blow me. I think ten bucks on a Friday night and six bucks on a Sunday night is a worthwhile investment for some "titage" and a good time with friends. I don't need to see them up close, have a girl make fake-ass eye contact with me, or prove to me that her asshole is bleached. The atmosphere is the same from the back of the room, and my wallet stays relatively heavy.

11/09/08. Metallica. Columbus. Who's down?

This is unbelievably good. This is how pure, raw, 100% real dance music sounds. No samples, no altered vocal tracks, no guest spots. The length of the track is just right, just enough to get deep into without getting lost in it or tired out. This is all about throwing up your arms, shaking your shoulders, and flowing. She should be more famous than Jennifer Lopez. It's a shame she isn't. She deserves it, and she IS FUCKING GORGEOUS! She's forty years old and far sexier than most anyone out today. The secret? She knows how to carry herself like a woman, and doesn't appear desperate for attention, ever.

A lot of you may be too "cool" to like dance music/dancing, but if you say you're a music lover, and you don't dance, ever, how can you truly love music? Music is meant to move more than the soul, bitches! Besides, everybody looks stupid when they dance, but you look even dumber with that sour-puss look on your face as you lean against the wall drinking your eighth RedBull and vodka.

Dance music/culture is a genre without borders, age limits, or a shelf life. It is simultaneously underground and worldwide. It has many faces, and they are all fun, free, and ALIVE! I've never met a person who didn't smile back at me on a dance floor, be they Industrial/Electro, Eighties, Indie, Gay, Straight, or "none of the above.(my category)" I hope I never will.

Very poor.

Raise next month. Gonna be able to afford that big spread in Colorado any day now.

Show tomorrow night. Oh how I long for the blinding glare of stage lights and the reek of a cigarette filled room.

I did a show for three people on Saturday night, and I had an absolute blast. A while back, I decided to stop caring about things a lot of entertainers consider important, and it's working for me.

This is in heavy contention for favorite NIN song of all time. It does not even exist on a released studio recording. I was fortunate enough to see it performed three times live. It rules like Russia in Georgia. It will knock you out like LL Cool J circa 1992. By now, you know I am of far better taste than you. You're welcome.


I meant to post this a few weeks ago. It makes me laugh, because me dog is this stupid as well. On a parallel subject, I got to pet a Great Dane last night. They are the coolest, most gentle animals to hang around with. If you love dogs/animals, I hope you get the chance to be in the presence of a Great Dane, even if only for a little while.

I continue to diet, work out a tad, and lose weight. While not yet noticeable to the general public, I love the way my body is changing, and how it's starting to look. It's better to look good than feel good, but I feel good too!

Money trouble prevents me from seeing Pineapple Express. I am saddened.

This song will never be cliche. It's so great. Scream the chorus with me when you see me on the floor. Don't worry, I'll take the verses, both male and female.

The only reason to stop eating pizza is because there is no more. Or maybe because there was fucking pepperoni under the cheese! Argh!

That sort of thing often happens in the bathroom stalls of a place like this. Best not to fret about it.-BK

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